My chances at wake forest, villanova, boston college. u Maryland, UVA

<p>Im a junior at a maryland high school, and interested in the colleges listed in the title. I have take nearly all GT, AP, and a few courses. My unweighted gpa for freshman year was 3.7. Sophmore year was 3.4 and hopefully this junior year will be 3.4. So basically i have a total gpa of around 3.5 or something like that. My sat scores are 690 math, 620 reading, and 600 writing. A 1910 in total. I have participated regularly in clubs at my school. My summers have been spent usefully, one on a trip to china to study chinese during the summer, and the other at an internship for UBS. I am interested in majoring in Finace. Please chance me.</p>

<p>your sat scores are in the range of wake forest, villanova, and u of maryland, slightly lower for uva and bc but still in the 25 to 75 percentile. you seem like a good applicant overall, but your gpa is a little low, but your school good have a different grading system than what iā€™m used to. uva is a crap shoot applying out of state for any applicant, i think you can definitely get in wake forest, villanova, and u of maryland. please chance back!</p>

<p>Villanove, Wake Forest, and UMD are all matches. Your only reaches really are BC and UVA. Good luck. Chance me?? <a href=ā€œ[/url]ā€>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>thanks for letting me know. wake forest is probly my top choice and if i can get in, that would be great</p>