My chances for acceptance into undergraduate NYU

<p>As of now, I am in the middle of my Junior year in high school, and I was wondering if I have a chance to get into a NYU undergraduate school.
Here are my stats as of now:</p>

<p>I know I have had my fair share of C's in some classes, but I think I still have some time to prove myself academically. </p>

<p>Freshman and sophomore year: private preparatory high school</p>

<p>Freshman Year:
Geometry: B
English: B
Biology 1: C
Latin 1: C
Heritage: B
Computer Science:A
Robotics: A
JV Soccer, JV Squash, JV Lacrosse
Robotics team</p>

<p>Sophomore Year:
Algebra 2: B
Spanish 1: C
English: B
Science: B
Modern World History: C
AP Computer Science: B
Music Tech: A
JV Soccer, JV Squash, JV Lacrosse
Robotics Team Captain</p>

<p>Took Spanish 2 over the summer: A</p>

<p>Junior and Senior Year: Public Highschool</p>

<p>Junior Year: (At half way point)
Pre-Calculus: B
AP Chemistry: C (maybe D for semester, I really hope not.)
AP US: C, (B if I can raise it)
English: A
Spanish 3Honors: B
Electronics 1: A
JV Soccer, Robotics Team, Chemistry Club, Math Team</p>

<p>Plan for Senior Year:
AP Physics
AP Calculus BC
AP Economics
AP Psychology
English (Modern World Lit.)
Electronics 3
Entrepreneurship first semester, Personal Finance next semester
Varsity Soccer, Robotics team, Ect.</p>

<p>Extra Curricular:
Job Freshman and Sophomore year (Every Saturday)
75% likely to get a job this year (Junior year)
Clubs mentioned above</p>

<p>Volunteer Work:
Uconn Health Center Next Summer (Hospital)
Manager at soccer camp last summer
Retirement Home cleaner
CHAOS (Church organized volunteer work where we help people in need in Chicago)</p>

<p>Let me just mention that I am one year ahead in math (for my area).
I am taking the ACT next week, and from diagnostics and such, I am planning on getting a 28+
For the SAT's, could someone tell me what NYU tends to look at? I haven't taken it yet.</p>

<p>I know my grades are not great, but combined with everything else, do I have a shot? My recommendations will be very good, and I am planning on writing I very nice College Essay. If I still do not have a chance, what are some recommendations for getting into NYU, or in other words, what should I improve on as of now (Half-way through Junior Year)?</p>

<p>Depends on your SAT score. If you get over a 2100 you should be a match for CAS. Any lower and it’s a reach, unless you’re looking into Gallatin or Steinhardt</p>

<p>your grades are very low… You’re unweighed average for all of your classes would have to be a 91-93ish with a 2000 SAT score, 650+ SAT 2’s to be a match for CAS. I only had 1 C in high school and a 2130 sat score to get in ED</p>