<p>Heyy everyone l.was just hoping people could give me some ideas as to if I could realistically get into Columbia .i used to think I would do ok at an Ivy, but this forum has so many amazingly qualified people, I dont know where I stand anymore </p>
<p>Here are my stats .if anyone could give me any feedback Id be so grateful!!</p>
<p>School: considered one of the top 2-3 girls schools in canada</p>
<p>Did my GCSEs and got 6A*s and 2 As
Currently in grade 11 all Grade 12 courses or APs
Average 90%
Taking the hardest courseload available next year will have 8 APs by the time I graduate
- I heard that Canadian schools are considered more rigorous than US is this true?</p>
- Piano 9 years UK system Grade 7
- Kung fu 8 years purple belt
- Tennis and badminton 8 years
- Duke of Ed Gold Award
- Model UN 4 years
- School newspaper Editor in chief 5 years
- School literary magazine
- Debating team 3 years
- School yearbook Journalistic head 3 years
- Choir 8 years
- Acted in, written, directed and was stage manager for school productions
- School band 5 years
- Flute player 2 years
- School prefect
- Student council
- Over 500 hours of community service</p>
<p>If someone could just give me any advice on where to apply and how realistic my chances at a top school are, Id really reallllly appreciate it thanks!!</p>
<p>in terms of grades...my school doesnt rank students but they give us deciles and im in the top 10%..i do well in school - not amazing liek some people who have 96% averages in the canadian system but well enough...</p>
<p>also, a lot of people haev toild me that a 90% average is a lot harder to get in canada than in the US..would Ivy Leagues take that into account?</p>
<p>How could you be EIC of your newspaper for five years? I am just curious. I will be EIC next year for my school's. The position is only open to seniors where I go.</p>
<p>no sorry - again i messed up on the states...ive been an editor on the paper for 5 years (section editor) and editor in chief next year for my senior year...</p>
<p>i feel like things liek the newspaper and choir and duke of ed show dedication...coz duke of ed takes a lot of time and effort...i guess i'll have to play that up in essays...</p>
<p>and yeah i started on my old school paper as an editor.....news editor i think....and since then ive been commentary, news, features and editor in chief</p>
<p>i'd been writing freelance articles for the paper before i was technically allowed to join the staff...u know how it is...certain grades are allowed to join and then before that you can write but you can't officially be on the staff...i guess the people who ran the paper knew me...that was at my old school..</p>
<p>then this year i came to a new school adn they saw my experience before so i joined as an editor again....dyu think this is going to count against me? would it undermine the responsibilty associated with the role?</p>
<p>well if i say that ive been on the newspaper staff for 5 years and editor for the past few years, is that ok? technically ive been an editor for 5 years and journalist for 6...but not recognized as one - i.e. freelance writer and not really on the staff...</p>
<p>tami - next year i'll be EIC as a senior..just clearing that up...and 7th grade i was writing for the paper, 8th onwards i was an editor...i didnt go to a high school/middle school......it was one school from 6th grade to the 12th grade....</p>