<p>3.97 GPA, 29 composite ACT, taking full-load Running Start for junior and senior year and about to finish up my AA degree, as well as taking biology, chemistry, physics at the college. decent chance?</p>
<p>You have an excellent chance. Are you apply next year and do you live in Washington? If so do early admissions (I think turn in is before Nov 15th). They would accept you right away. UW likes students that do running start (I did but did bad) and when you apply you state which classes you too as a Running Start student and the grades you got in those + your degree. The problem will then be getting directly accepted into the program you want. Since you will have your AA by that point I suggest you start thinking about it now.</p>
<p>I already applied on December 1 (which I’m not sure if I made the priority deadline), live in WA, just super nervous with UW talking about recession and all the deals and how there are so many students wanting to get in.</p>
<p>I don’t think you made the priority deadline, I am 100% sure you will get accepted though. While we have a recession here it is mostly impacting things that where going to be created and some class sizes. But admissions size I don’t think will be hit as hard as other areas, however tuition is going up about 14% after this year.
The only concern I have is sometimes you are required to apply to your college (inside the University) if you have two years on you, but I know you can be a third year and do it as well. But trust me you are perfectly fine, some people I knew back in 07 (graduated HS in 07) didn’t get accepted until May.</p>
<p>I’m pretty sure Dec 1 was the priority deadline. I submitted 11/30 and received my acceptance letter today. I also applied to the Honors program. Gina…you are probably applying as a Junior? Not sure how that affects everything.</p>
<p>December 1st was the priority deadline. Don’t worry about this year, they don’t have a cap on how many students they are going to accept. Now on the other hand, if you are applying next year, be worried. The cap for next years freshman student population is going to be at 5,500 students.</p>
<p>^^ at kji1990:</p>
<p>are you saying that if you’re applying freshman for fall '09, the budget restrictions won’t effect how many people they’re going to accept?</p>
<p>but what about their admissions freeze for spring quarter…</p>