My chances? Please?

<p>My Chances?</p>

<p>3.7 GPA (unweighted). Top 10% of class of 476.
710 writing, 660 reading, 600 math (I have a documented learning disability that makes math very difficult for me, I'll submit an additional letter for that.)
ACT-- 36 reading, 33 english, lower in math, but again, the disability. All averages out to a 28.
Most rigorous courseload my school offers (except AP calc), lots of AP classes.
Black female. Skipped a grade, so will be 17 all freshmen year in college.
Possible Int'l Relations/ French major.</p>

<p>My resume (things indicating specific location are starred out):</p>

*******Special Education Department (12)</p>

<p>Community Service
Music in the Parks—guide (9, 10)
Tutor in high school French, Literature and Social Studies, tutor in college Philosophy and Literature (9, 10, 11, 12)
Student college advisor for sophomores, juniors and seniors—(11, 12)
Work on Obama campaign at **********High School (12)</p>

Out of the Cave Philosophy Club—founder, president, and instructor (10, 11, 12)
Debate Team—Varsity Debater (9, 10, 11, 12), president (11, 12)
Mock Trial—Head of defense, witness (9, 10, 11, 12)
Beta Club—Chairperson of Induction, student orator (9, 10, 11, 12)
French National Honor Society/Club—Foreign Language forum 4 time superior rating (9,10,11)
******* Color Guard—advanced rifle line (12)</p>

****** Advanced Choral Ensemble member—Soloist, dancer (9,10,11)
******** production of The Wiz—Evillene (9)
******** County Honor Chorus—Soprano 2 (10, 11)
******** production of Annie—Annie (10)
********Arts Center—Most talented dramatic actress (11)</p>

<p>Honors/ Additional Leadership/ Additional Education
Superintendent Scholar Award (9)
Honors Night French Award (9)
Junior Statesman Summer School at Princeton University—Political Philosophy and Political Communications (10)
Most original essay topic for Political Philosophy—“On Plato’s Views of the Arts and Censorship in Society”
****<strong><em>female representative at Regional Literary Competition for Extemporaneous Speaking—2nd place in region (11)
*</em></strong><strong><em>Kids’ Foundation (11, 12)
Spokesperson for *</em></strong>
*Foundation (11, 12)
Spokesperson for excursion to the Galapagos Islands (11, 12)
Face of the foundation (11, 12)
Environmental Protection Agency conference (11)
Student presenter and representative
National Achievement Scholarship Outstanding Participant (12)</p>

<p>What do you think? What are my chances?</p>

<p>Your chances are excellent, especially with your grades and your ECs. Nice job! I bet you'll get in. :) </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I'm impressed that you founded a philosophy club in 10th grade! "Out of the Cave" is an awesome name too. You have a great shot, IMO, but remember not to take chances threads too seriously. Adcoms are unpredictable. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thanks! I really love philosophy a LOT. I carry the Republic in my backpack, lol. :D</p>


<p>Cool! You’ve been to JSA summerschool @ Princeton!! Me too! (Foreign Policy)</p>

<p>Just make sure you write a great essay, get an interview, and just be yourself. Good luck!! MHC is a wonderful school!</p>