Im trying to get into UT with a computer science major, here are my general accomplishments and scores:
- SAT: 1400
- GPA- unweighted: 3.83/4.00
weighted: 5.01/5.00
- graduating with 13 AP courses
- rank:33/807
- top 4.6%
- nationally awarded varsity debater, 2 national and 8 district titles
- state gold in piano
- hosted largest blood drive in denton county, heavily accomplished in community service
- varsity debate team
- taken compsci courses at UTD
- officer positions in 8 clubs
- president of 3 clubs
- founder of one club that has its own non-profit program that educated children about STEM
thanks for helping me out!
If you live in texas and are in top 4.6% you are automatic to UT.
Your SAT score is in the middle. The 75%/25% range for CS/Eng is 1490/1290. The math range is 770/680. You do not mention your math score - the higher the better for CS. I also think the CS scores generally are higher than Engineering in total. You have a great resume even though it is not totally concentrated around CS. I think you have a 50/50 shot at it. It depends on that math score and the essays.
I’d honestly be amazed if you didn’t get in with a resume like that. Right now you should be considering your chances of getting into the HONORS program there haha. The main determinant at this point in your essays for UT. In those, make sure to highlight your commitment to STEM and Com Sci, and how your life experiences have convinced you that Com Sci is what’s meant for you. If you show admissions that you would make good use of their com sci resources, they’ll definitely use a spot on you. Best of luck man!
EDIT: Aaaaaaand just noticed you actually got in recently. Had no doubt about that haha, congrats man!