My chances with EECS, please rank

<p>hello everyone, first off thanks for reading.</p>

<p>I just want to know if i stand a chance in h3ll of transferring into UCB as a EECS major. Here are some info on me:</p>

<p>CA resident, currently going to Laney College
Unweighted GPA: 3.75
EC: tutor people in programming classes, worked at TSA, Phi Theta Kappa member</p>

<p>I'll have everything mentioned on completed by spring semester that includes EE20 and EE40 which I will do at UCB as concurrent enrollment through the Transfer Alliance Project (TAP) program, and of course i'll polish my essay as best i could. I should add that I'm a returning to college. 6 yrs ago (my younger years) I was a screw up ( long story ), but I managed to pull my gpa to the current level from a 2.33. </p>

<p>Anyways, thanks for everyone's time.</p>