My Chances?

<p>I applied SCEA</p>

<p>I know I recieve notification in two weeks, but I just thought I would ask.</p>

<p>Gender: Male</p>

<p>Ethnicity: Asian</p>

<p>School Region: Appalachia</p>

<p>Rank: Top 2% (rounded down from rank 5/208)</p>

<p>5.338 GPA (dunno what it is on 4 point scale)</p>

<p>SAT: 2330 total(2nd time) (2340 composite)
Critical Reading 800
Math 790
Writing 740(750 if composite)</p>

<p>SAT II:
Math II 800
Literature 750</p>

<p>AP classes 12 out of 14 offered</p>

<p>in addition i've taken 4 post secondary classes (Spanish 111 Chinese 111 Phys 201 Chem 151)</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Mock Trial
School Newspaper
National Honors Society Peer Tutoring
Science Olympiad</p>


Spanish Honors Society
National Merit Semifinalist
1st Place Soil and Water Essay Contest
National Honors Society</p>

Cook in Restaurant: 4 months 11 hour weeks
Rental Home Renovator: 1 month 24 hour weeks</p>

<p>I understand the applicant pool for SCEA may be especially large this year... </p>

<p>Anyway, thanks for the input</p>

<p>It would be useful to have your AP test scores and your level of involvement in your extra-curriculars.</p>

<p>I’d say you have a great chance. Only thing would be the rank and maybe ecs.</p>

<p>I’m taking the AP tests this year. I dind’t take them all for the classes I took.</p>

<p>Extra Curriculars:
Mock Trial- 3 years, Lawyer, team leader.
School Newspaper- 2 years, Copy Editor.
National Honors Society Peer Tutoring- Weekly tutoring for 2 tuttees currently. I also am the coordinator for a segment of the tutors for tutoring specifically for standardized tests.
Band- All through middle school and 1 year highschool. Tuba 2nd chair. Also played piano 8 years.
Science Olympiad- No real captains for this one, but I’d say I’m one of them if there were.</p>

<p>You definitely have a solid chance, then. You’ve covered everything pretty nicely. The one concern I have is that I don’t necessarily see a cohesive passion throughout your stats and such, although you probably conveyed that more on your application than you did here.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>12 AP classes?!!!</p>

<p>I didn’t know you could get a 790 on SAT Math. When did you take it?</p>

<p>I think it was June.</p>

<p>Why wouldn’t you be able to get 790?</p>

<p>thanks for the insight Werg</p>