My chances....

<p>I have applied for RD to Oxy...</p>

<p>I am an Asian American male from Colorado. </p>

<p>Weighted GPA = 3.85
Unweighted = Around 3.55</p>

<p>I have taken AP Government, AP US History, AP Enviornmental Science, AP English Lang, and AP Lit in addition to numerous honors classes before that. </p>

<p>SAT = 580 Reading, 620 Math, 620 Writing (1820 cumulative)
ACT = 26</p>

<p>EC = Four years on the debate team, two time qualifier to the National Tournament (NFL), Top 120 Public Forum debater in the nation in 2007, and captain of our debate team this year. </p>

<p>Member of our Principal Advisory Council for all four years (Student Gov)</p>

<p>National Honor's Society (11th and 12th) </p>

<p>Those are just the basics, I have some minor community service, some work experience and some other honors/awards. </p>

<p>I realise that I'm on the bottom fringes of the middle 50's of both the SAT and ACT per college board and average on the GPA. </p>

<p>I'm hoping my succes and dedication in forensics (Speech and debate) and strong essays (at least I hope so) will carry me through. It might not even matter becasue Oxy is a pipe dream for me anyway cause of finances...maybe somebody could let me know on how good they are on the money front....</p>

<p>so thoughts?</p>

<p>decent chances…solid grades…solid ecs…mediocre sat</p>

<p>Uh, that’s “National Honor Society.”</p>

<p>Thanks for the responces…</p>

<p>my b on the “National Honor Society”</p>

<p>Also one more question. I signed up on the webstie for an allumni interview before December 5th for here in Colorado but have never heard back from Oxy in any way…by the time I noticed this the admission office was on break. Now that they are back, should I contact them and ask them whats up? Or are they still processing my request?</p>

<p>I sent it in before the deadline so there should be no problem there, maybe my request didn’t get through.</p>