My chances?

<p>I applied to UC Boulder some time ago and recently received a letter that was essentially a deferral. Now I'm afraid that I won't get in because of how low my GPA is. Does anyone have any input?</p>

<p>GPA: 3.2 (I had terrible freshman and sophomore years, but in my junior and senior years I've received 3.6, 3.95, and 3.7 GPAs while taking AP and honors classes)
ACT: 31
ECs: Part time jobs during the school year and summer, varsity track and cross country, small amounts of volunteer work, and guitar lessons throughout high school.
Essay: I don't really remember but it should be pretty good.</p>

<p>I'm also out of state</p>


<p>I’m a bit surprised about the deferral, given the upward GPA trend, ACT, and OOS tuition $ you would pay. Its definitely worth a discussion with an adcom. They work regionally - find yours here: [Freshman</a> Prospective Students | University of Colorado at Boulder](<a href=“]Freshman”></p>

<p>Honestly I was surprised by the deferral too. I know my GPA is not exactly good but I had been told that I had a pretty good chance. Thanks for your input.</p>

<p>Any other input?</p>

<p>very weird…I know OOS kids with 1100 SAT’s, maybe 3.3-3.4 who were admitted…definitely have your GC contact…</p>

<p>Well I just found out that I was accepted. I guess the 7th semester grades did it.</p>

<p>Congratulations! Word of advice - if you are serious about CU get your housing application in soon.</p>

<p>Thanks for the advice. I was actually planning on doing that very soon</p>