<p>I'm an Indian male living in New Haven, CT...</p>
<p>Rank - top 10%</p>
Old: 1140 (630M, 510CR)
New: 1850 (680M, 580CR, 590W, Essay: 8
gonna retake in october, planning on 720+ M, 650+ CR, 650+ W
MIIC - 740
Latin - 590</p>
National Spanish Honor Society (3 years)
National Honor Society Treasurer (2 years)
Student Government Treasurer (1 year)
2006 Class Advisory Board Member (4 years)
Math tutor - helped freshman improve their math skills (2 years)
Mathcounts Math Competition Participant (4 years)
Junior Year - won 3rd place (team)
Yale University SCHOLARS Program (3 years)
Cooperative International Studies Program - 2 years</p>
<p>Gujarati Samaj of Connecticut: Youth Committee Treasurer (4 years)
Diwali Program Choreographer/Participant
<p>New England Board of Higher Education - Youth Leadership Summit
Anatomy and Physiology Yale Lab (1 year)</p>
National Latin Exam: Latin II - Magna cum laude
Latin III - Summa cum laude (Gold Medal)
High Achievement in AP Calculus
High Achievement in ISSP Math
(had more awards other two years, i lost the list, currently looking)</p>
<p>College Courses:
Southern Connecticut State University - Pre- Calculus - A
Yale University - Evolution of Language - B
Yale University - Calculus - One Variable I (1st semester 2005-2006)
Yale University - Calculus - One Variable II (2nd semester 2005-2006</p>
<p>AP's - Calc AB - 4
Eng - 2 :(</p>
<p>well, i know theres more, all i could think of now...</p>
<p>I've really wanted to go to Columbia, but, I am realistic...</p>
<p>In order:
Columbia (huge reach)
Brown (huge reach)
<p>i do have safeties in mind, but these would be my top chioces...
any advice would be appreciated...</p>