<p>hmmm i'm currently a junior right now... opinions anyone please, because i kinda have plans? i have two plans</p>
<p>Plan A: instead of going straight to college after high school, i want to study abroad a semester at sea.... for the fall... </p>
<p>do you think i'd have a better chance to go to an ivy league or uc college right after my study abroad program is done? </p>
<p>Plan B: or like study abroad in tokyo... i have that desire to travel...</p>
<p>is it a good idea to get my education from a study abroad program in tokyo, and stay there for awhile? </p>
<p>Plan C: I was also thinking of studying abroad at sea...during the fall... then right after i could stay in tokyo.... </p>
<p>and my major? i want to work around the health faciliteis... something like a surgeon or anestiseologist, neurologist, psychiatrist... that travels, or any other medical jobs, i'm still undecided about that.</p>
<p>is this a good idea? yahh i know my parents, counselors, and teachers are going to think i'm nuts.</p>
<p>or.... should i just go to college like any normal person would? ahhh</p>
<p>*do you think i’d have a better chance to go to an ivy league or uc college right after my study abroad program is done? *</p>
<p>The UCs don’t do spring admits…and I don’t think ivies do either. </p>
<p>And, if you need any aid, other schools don’t usually give as much to spring admits.</p>
<p>my major? i want to work around the health faciliteis… something like a surgeon or anestiseologist, neurologist, psychiatrist… that travels, or any other medical jobs, i’m still undecided about that.</p>
<p>Those aren’t majors.</p>
<p>Good luck at your local CC</p>
<p>I hope to god that I never get an anesthesiologist who can’t spell the word “anesthesiologist.”</p>
<p>i asked about ideas… not to critique my grammar errors. </p>
<p>LOL thanks.</p>
<p>Berkeley does, but it is the school’s choice, not the student’s choice.</p>
<p>You should definitely look into taking a Gap Year to study and/or work internationally. You don’t get any prizes for jumping into college and finishing a year faster, so if you want the time off, take it. However, don’t count on spring semester admits to most schools. The bulk of admits begin in Fall and you will be seriously out of sync with your class is you start a semester later after all the freshman orientation activities are over and people have already formed their new friendships.</p>
<p>The Gap Year Advantage is a good book on the topic. Once you’ve explored your gap year options, you’ll have a clearer sense of whether that’s a good choice for you. Know that colleges like students who have taken gap years, so it’s not a disadvantage from an admissions perspective. It does, however, involve some additional hassle since you have to get letters of rec and transcripts lined up after you’ll left your school. Make sure your test scores will still be valid as well.</p>
<p>Agree with M’s Mom. You may also want to read some of the CC threads about Semester at Sea, which are very mixed in opinion about the value of the experience.</p>
<p>Do you parents have enough money for all these plans, that sound very expensive.</p>
<p>You should apply to a few colleges at least, but also plan your time abroad. That way, if you got an excellent acceptance or three, with good financial aid, you could defer your enrollment, do the time abroad, and then know where you are off to next. Many colleges also offer the chance to study abroad during your undergrad years, so you might want to consider waiting to do that instead. Or do both. The nice thing is that you are young, have relatively few commitments, and this is the time to pursue those sort of dreamy plans. Good luck to you!</p>