My English teacher hates me, your thoughts?

<p>So my English teacher is an old teacher who's been teaching for at least 30 years. Sometimes she gets really full of herself and acts as if she's the best teacher, but she doesn't teach us anything. I transferred from the #1 school in California to this new school, where things are a lot easier, especially her class in this case. Seriously, all we ever do in this class is two things: (1) spelling quiz (easy vocabulary too, especially all of which I've already learned in 7th grade and even 6th grade) & (2) read a book and get some extremely easy quiz/test. It's an honors class, but seriously, it's pure bull & she acts as if she's the best teacher ever. Believe me, this class is nothing but an elementary school class. </p>

<p>Anyways, she plays favorites. She really likes these two girls, but one of which she REALLY likes. I have the highest grade of 97% in the class & am the only one with an A. I never answer or participate in the class because I've already finished the work and am working on some other stuff for other classes and to be honest the conversations bore me and do not interest me. But even if I did raise my hand or anything, she wouldn't pick on me because she'd rather pick the other two girls. I have two close cousins of mine who have been in her class before and it seems she doesn't really seem to like them either (they are really smart, both top of the class and the younger one is #1 in the grade as am I as well). The class is seriously pathetically slow. She tries to make her class seem "hard" even though it really isn't and one way she has done this is by changing the grading scale to everything above a 93 as an A and every other letter grade to a higher percentage as so. Somehow, it REALLY seems that she can't accept the fact that I am doing well and better than those two other girls she favors. She's the type of teacher who reads out the grades for every test we get and the grades we get at the end of the quarter/semester and every time she calls up my name and grade, she doesn't seem happy, but when she calls up her favorite 2 students name and grades, who both have a B in the class, she is happy. I honestly don't now what the hell I've done to offend her. I'm a shy person, but if I see her around the school, I wave and say hi to her. I do NOT try to offend anybody and I am not the type of person to create enemies.</p>

<p>She's been constantly trying to undermine me in the subtlest and littlest ways. For example, in the first semester, she kept typing in the wrong number for the grades I got on the online grade book. And this wasn't just for one assignment - it was SEVERAL, as in four, five, six, etc. On some assignments she would try to "accidentally" type in, oh say, "8" instead of "10" out of "10" or by missing a digit as if it was a typo, as in "2" instead of "22" out of "23" or something sneaky as in "14" instead of "15" out of a "15" point assignment. On one test, this problem was EXTREMELY evident - she missed it by ten points. It was out of "40," and I got "39." She put in "28." I would always have to go confront her about it and have her change it. All those little points could have really brought my grade down. damn woman.</p>

<p>Today, she read out the grades for a test on "The Odyssey" that we had a few days ago. I learned all this stuff in the 7th grade and I got perfect score on it. BUT, when she was reading out the grades for everyone and how much they missed, she said I missed three and she read out the grades of other people who missed only a few and started rubbing it in right after. I looked at the online gradebook and guess what? Perfect score. </p>

<p>When she passes all the tests back to us tomorrow, I'm seriously going to say something. "Hey Ms. Swieck, I got a perfect score but how come you said I missed three yesterday?" & I'm going to say it for EVERYONE to hear.</p>

<p>Something's not right & I <em>know</em> I am not being paranoid.</p>

<p>*ALSO: The other girls also do their hw from other classes</p>

<p>I wouldn’t do that :confused: I know you really want to and seems gratifying, but that’s really not a good idea.</p>

<p>Teachers gossip heavily among themselves and I’ve found that the English departments are always exceptionally close to each other. You don’t want to rub her the wrong way.</p>

<p>And this may be why she does not seem to favor you:

Most teachers hate it when kids do homework during class. Try to engage yourself more. Look at the teacher when she’s talking, nod occasionally, offer input, and raise your hand every once in a while when you have something to say.</p>

<p>Just remain civil even though you really want to flip her off. My Spanish teacher also hates me (because I come late every day :P) and I know it’s hard to do, but trust me, it won’t be worth it.</p>

<p>And I find it extremely weird that your teacher reads off the grades of each student. That does not sound like an effective teaching strategy.</p>

<p>The other girls do the same thing too though

<p>I read the first two sentences and gave up.</p>



<p>I doubt that, because it seems like you do some things that would not exactly found a great teacher-student relationship. They follow:


<p>You don’t participate, you do work for other classes, your disinterest sounds like it is very much evinced in your comport, and you seem to want to embarrass the teacher.</p>

<p>Eh, some teachers play favorites. </p>

<p>Are they just as quiet as you in class? There are probably some factors that are at work here.</p>

<p>You’ll meet tons of bad teachers in high school, it won’t serve you well to flip all of them off.</p>

really? because one of my cousin (not the ones I mentioned in the thread) is always talking about how she loves the English teacher. i agree with her all the time about how indeed my english teacher is bubbly and fun, but inside i don’t really feel it but i wouldn’t want to embarrass anyone. and i always am trying in the best of my ability to try and like my teacher. honestly, i do not enjoy conflict. i do not want any conflict with anyone, and i try my best to tolerate everyone. but it really gets to me after a long time something accumulates and reaches the point of no toleration, as in right now. i am trying to form a relationship with her but everytime i do so, she always seems to do something that doesn’t seem like she cares about associating with me</p>

well, those two girls have been in her class last year for 8th grade. this is my first year here at this school</p>

<p>I would start paying attention in her class. In the classes that I do pay attention in, the teachers all like me. And in the classes that I do homework in, they are indifferent towards me.</p>

<p>Teachers notice this stuff and are sensitive to it. They stand in front of the room and can see what everyone is doing. Even though you are passively attending her class and didn’t do anything incendiary, it is that exact behavior that causes her to generate a negative opinion towards you.</p>

<p>^I see. That could also be a reason why she seems to like them more.</p>

<p>im quiet in all my other classes though and all my other teachers like me. but i guess i should do that.</p>

<p>I know there are teachers with biases, but it does seem like you’re doing some things that would upset most teachers. At the least, stop doing homework in her class and try to look like you’re interested. I’m in a class I consider to be easy and which the teacher, like yours, tries to make seem hard. Unless I actively essay to do the opposite, I’m going to evince disinterest without so much as noticing it. I feel that – especially as you don’t consider doing homework in class or not paying attention to be potentially upsetting to a teacher – you may be doing the same.</p>

<p>yeah i’ll stop that habit. what if she continues treating me bad though even if i stop and participate a lot?</p>

<p>^The year’s almost over, you’ll never have her again (most likely), and she won’t be writing your recommendations.</p>

<p>i’m going to have her next year



<p>Well then get on it girl!</p>

<p>^^Then I would try to get on her good side. It might not be too late. A lot of students give teachers end of the year presents. Get her like some nice pastries or something, and a note that thanks her for being such an excellent teacher, with specifics. Who cares if it’s a lie?</p>

<p>HAHAHA yeahh i’ll do that, that’ll totally work</p>

<p>thanks for the advice guys, it means a lot</p>

<p>Homemade cookies/desserts are also a nice way of thanking a teacher. It doesn’t come off as sucking up and seems sincere. Just wrap it up nicely and put a little ribbon on it.</p>

<p>Teachers like it when you ask insightful questions, contribute in class, and pay attention. When you make eye contact, just nod ever so slightly at what she is saying. You can also go in during lunch and ask her questions.</p>