My Freshmen Courses Help?

<p>Hey guys I'm going to be a freshmen in upcomming school year. If you guys would be as kind to help critique my schedule.( I'm trying to at least get into the University of Texas) Any Help would be appreciated. (I haven't got my schedule yet but these are the courses I signed up for, I can always ask for schedule adjustments though! Thankyou in advanced.</p>

<p>Biology GT
English1 GT
World Geography GT
Precalculus GT
AP Computer Science A
Spanish 2
Study Hall(But I might opt for GT independent Study if it is available)</p>

<p>Wow you seem good at math! And what does GT stand for?</p>

<p>Does GT stand for gifted/talented? Oh, and come join us on the 2016 thread!</p>

<p>Thanks! yeah it does swinter</p>

<p>Looks good to me! I had a similar schedule (Honors bio, honors english (toughest class), spanish 2, pre-calc, study hall, regular us history (no other option), a typing class, and gym/health) and it was manageable with sports year-round. Among the hardest schedule any freshman took my year too–I was Val, average to above average public school, ranked in the 900’s if Newsweek rankings mean anything. Plenty good enough to get into U Texas as long as you get good grades and keep taking tough classes.</p>

<p>I’m assuming you have some knowledge about Computer Science, that might end up being your hardest class. I never took it and don’t know anything about it. You just don’t want to end up taking an AP and not being ready for one and bombing it.</p>

<p>Thanks, is honors english really that tough?</p>

<p>You’re welcome!</p>

<p>It was at my school, the teacher I had grades hard. She did that so you had to try harder and it made my writing much better. The section with a different teacher was easier, she didn’t grade as hard. It depends on the teacher, if you know your teacher already ask people already in HS if they have a reputation of being “hard” or not.</p>

<p>So I saw a freshman schedule thread, and I was like “Yes finally as a sophomore, I actually have experience to answer schedule threads.” Then I find out that you’re taking an AP class, precalc, and Spanish 2- All of which I’m taking this year. :frowning: Oh and english Hon isnt that hard. Just do the work, and it shouldnt be that hard to get an A (+). Nice schedule though.</p>

<p>How are you able to take AP Computer Science as a freshman?</p>

<p>^ I’m more surprised he’s taking Precalculus as a freshman lol. He should be in Algebra 1 or Geometry. Some schools just have different policies. At my school, you can’t take AP classes until you’re a junior. :(</p>

<p>^Mine’s similar to that too. We can take 1-2 APs in 10th grade, but the rest are in 11-12th grade!!</p>

<p>well in 7th grade i took algebra 1 because i tested out of 7th and 8th grade math and i took geometry in 8th grade but in the summer i tested out of algebra 2 so im doing precalculus next year :). And since, algebra 2 in our school is one of the prereqs for ap comp sci i can take it.</p>

<p>My school is if your in honors in 7th grade, you’re put in highschool Algebra I in eighth grade and start highschool out with geometry. I doubled up and took a course over the summer so I’ll be in AP Calc as a sophomore (just like this guy), there was also almost an option to do algebra I first semster of 8th grade, and geometry second semester of 8th grade if you got a high enough score on this test in 7th grade. Me along with some other people passed the test but the school system dropped the program.</p>

<p>Honors Chemistry
Honors Algebra 2
Honors English
APP World History (AP Prep)
Spanish 1</p>

<p>You’ll be fine, I took all of those classes besides AP Computer Science A.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help guys i hope i won’t die this school year :/</p>