My GOAL 2000 or more!!

<p>Hi I am a rising junior and I'm feeling the stress of the SATs and such tests. I am taking the PSAT in October and was wondering what preparation I should be looking at. I was also wondering when the best time to take the SAT (for the first time) would be.One last question, should I take the ACT as well???I'm really looking at top notch colleges and have high expectations,but not sure what the best preparation is. I would really appreciate your adivice. Thank you!!!</p>



<p>Aside from trying a couple PSAT practice tests to familiarize yourself with the specific format of that test, preparing for the PSAT is the same as preparing for the SAT. </p>



<p>I generally recommend taking it whenever you feel prepared, as long as you take it at least once during your junior year. Many find that taking it in October near the time of the PSAT is efficient so that they are prepared for both.</p>



<p>Try some practice tests with both and see which you do better on. Then pursue that test more fully.</p>



<p>Have you read the stickied threads? I and others have offered advice there.</p>

<p>Thanks!! I’ll look into your advice :D</p>

<p>How does the PSAT format differ from SAT’s? I have the PSAT’s coming up next semester (rising sophmore) and I’ve been taking college board’s full length SAT practice tests.</p>

<p>Shorter, no essay.</p>

<p>PSAT is a 130mins long test that has 5 sections- 2 CR, 2 Math, 1 Writing (only MCQ; no essay).</p>

<p>What would be a really GREAT score on the PSAT??</p>

anyone with 215+ in almost all the states(maybe except CA and NJ and some otheres) can qualify for the nation merit scholarship, so i guess that’s “great”?</p>

<p>Yeah, there are varying “cut off” scores for each state to be considered a nmsqt finalist, semi finalist, or just to receive program recognition. </p>

<p>As for your questions, I wouldn’t waste any money on PSAT prep. Just take the practice test your school gives you when you register it. I scored a 189 my sophmore year and my junior I scored a 203. </p>

<p>Junior year, I took a PR sat prep course in the begining of the school year which ended in early October. I took the PSAT a few days later, continued self prep, and took the SAT in December and scored a 2000, which is not too far off from what my PSAT predicted. </p>

<p>In April, I took a quick SAT prep from ESC (waste of money, except I did like my math tutor) and took the SAT in May, scoring a 2030. Because my score went up 30 points overall (I lost 50 points in the grammar section and went up 80 points in CR and Math combined) I’m going to take them again in October. </p>

<p>Alternatively, you can take a summer prep and take the SAT in October or November. Your guidance counselor will say to take them in the spring, but I think it’s far better to start early to get more chances in before you’re rushing senior year to pull a last ditch effort in October or even December.</p>

<p>Generally, most of my classmates have taken/will take the SAT 2-3 times. </p>

<p>I know lots of my classmates who are in more rigorous classes than I am struggling to break 2000. If you find that you are not going anywhere with the SAT, definitely take the ACT. I’ve heard that the SAT tests how well you take tests whereas the ACT tests how much you know about the material that is being covered. Even if you do well on the SAT, take the ACT as well if you’re looking at top notch colleges. </p>

<p>Good luck :]</p>

<p>Wow a.woah thanks for the advice!!! I’m going to keep practicing for PSAT as if I were to take the SAT. Hopefully it will be good enough. I might take a practice SAT for free at the Princeton review and see how it goes. I will probably do that in November and December just to see how I am and what my weak spots are.</p>