My Last Chance - holy **** im nervous

<p>ED application submitted to Lehigh University. Do you think I'll get in?</p>

<p>GPA: I don't know exactly, but I think it is over 3.9. First quarter senior year grades will be on transcript, they are all 4.0.</p>

<p>Rank: 26/592 (top 5%)</p>

<p>SAT: 580 reading; 670 math; 600 writing</p>

<p>-Took all Honors/AP maths up to Calc 1. Taking Calc II this year.
-Took honors Biology 1, honors chemistry 1, and honors physics 1.
-All other classes were HL. (Only other honors/AP classes offered at my HS were English)
-Distinguished Honor Roll all 4 years. (guess that's pretty obvious with a high GPA)</p>

-Been in Boy Scouts since 1997. Made Eagle Scout in 2007 after all those years of leadership and community service.
-Outdoor activites: hiking, camping, hunting, fishing
-Participated in PA Math League Contests</p>

<p>uhhh... I guess that's all the major stuff. Haven't seen them, but I guess my rec from my math teacher and guidance counselor should be alright. My essay was alright too; it talked a lot about my development of values and ability through my years in Boy Scouts.</p>

<p>Showed interest in Lehigh by attending an information session and tour, as well as mentioning some specifics in my "why Lehigh" supplement short answer.</p>

<p>With that said, can you give me a chance?! I'm ****ting myself.</p>

<p>seriously, just tell me I am crap.</p>

<p>oh, also, I am taking a college class (English 101 Comp) through dual-enrollment. I think I have an A in there.</p>

<p>I think your chances are strong. Your SAT scores are are a little low for Lehigh, but your class rank and gpa are really good.</p>

<p>you are crap.</p>

<p>don’t worry, I think you’re fine actually :slight_smile: (or I could be biased since I’m a boy scout too lol)</p>

<p>lol lolcats.</p>

<p>Thanks for your opinions. I just get more and more nervous as I look over the admissions numbers of previous years. haha</p>

<p>last chance to chance me</p>

<p>I think chanced you in an earlier thread.</p>

<p>Anyways I just wanted to tell you that you are crap. Jk</p>

<p>rofl. thanks.</p>