My last ever chance thread!

<p>Chances please :D </p>

<p>Im currently a Senior in high School, and hope to eventually major in English.
Ethnicity/ Gender: Indian/female</p>

Am an IB Diploma student, hoping to get a predicted score of AT LEAST 38/42 (Exclusive of bonus points)
English HL- 7
Business HL- 7
History HL- 7
Math- 5
Biology- 5

<p>In the top 3 to 5 students in every class excluding bio and math</p>

<p>Final Grade 11 score was 35</p>

<p>All scores are on a 7 point scale
Am in the top 15% of an extremely academically challenging high school</p>

CR- 750
Writing- 740
Was in the 97th percentile for PSAT</p>

- Co-Founded first school yearbook
- Co-Editor of yearbook for 2 years
- Founded first school paper
- Editor of paper for 2 years
- Spent 2 years in the Press department of school festival, was the Head of Department my second year
- Summer school Harvard 2006
Have a very strong portfolio with published poems, articles in major newspapers, school paper i founded etc</p>

<p>Work Experience
Summer Internship at a very prestigous national newspaper
Working to raise funds/tutor kids/study child rights at a shelter for the children of commercial sex workers. Have an official online blog on the shelters website documenting my experiences. </p>

- Swim team for school grades 6/7/8/9/10/12
- Club swim team
- District Swim Team
- State Waterpolo Team</p>

<p>Social Service
- Volunteer at an Old Age Home
- Volunteer at a homeless shelter for kids
- Volunteer at a Girls Orphanage</p>

- Doing the 150 word one on my social work, and how im trying to raise enough funds to keep about 50 underprivileged kids in high school and out of prostitution
The longer one will probably be on how i was never that academically oriented till i went to Harvard for summer school, realised that i wanted to really work hard and go to an amazing college- So i came back, switched to the really rigorous IB curriculum, and my grades increased drastically...</p>

<p>if your looking to be a journalism major, you look very good.</p>

<p>Oh and i forgot to add I'd be applying ED</p>

<p>chances are very good imo</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies...ANyone else?? :)</p>

<p>Looks good. Only thing I'd worry about is paying tuition lol.</p>