My little brother (grade 4) is looking for a physics magazine..

<p>he has a deep passion for the subject, and I wanted to get him a subscription to a physics mag as a surprise gift..any recommendations?</p>

<p>Scientific American is a personal favorite</p>

<p>Discover is okay, but IMHO, not nearly as good</p>

<p>wouldn't a fourth grader rather have a video game magazine or something?</p>

<p>I'm not about to give a 10 year old scientific american..LOL</p>

<p>oh... right. well, Discover then. (?) I remember having this magazine when I was little, and now I dont remember what it was called... I think maybe... "kid Scientists" or something. Sorry that's not more helpful</p>

<p>Popular Mechanics or Popular Science would be the best.</p>