my mom got into an accident and im scarred

<p>Idk what exactly happened.all I know is she got hit on her motorcycle and they think she brake her neck and maybe injured her spine.when I got to the hospital n seen her she had stitches almost all the way down from her forhead to his nose on her left side and her nose looks broke.right now im at the hospital waiting on her to get done with her ct scan and x-rays to find out soo scared my mom is my my summer is ruined and she has a concussion.what makes if worse is I grew up in the er with my mom being a nurse and my uncle being a doctor and me being a cert. Emt/lifeguard...I know the protocal and it freaks me out.sorry about this rant I just needed to tel somebody besides my family.....has something like this happened to you???</p>

<p>Yeah. My sister got in a car crash when she was 18. Drunk driver. Speeding.6 Kids in the car. It was bad. Everyone except my sister died. She was in the hospital for like 9 months. She is okay now, but they thought she was going to die. I was so freaked out. She broke both her legs, her wrists, back, hip, and her jaw.</p>

<p>Aww, Ali, it'll be okay! Hey, it must be comforting to have family in the medical profession; you'll always know what's going on and that how your mom is being treated is what's best for her. </p>

<p>She'll be in my thoughts... keep us updated.</p>

<p>Hope she recovers. </p>

<p>My mom actually fell down the stairs once, and had to get surgery. i'm not sure about the exact conditions or symptoms. She still can't walk too fast, let alone run, but it is no impediment to living her life (don't know any 40 year old females that run, anyways...)</p>

<p>This is one of the reasons I will never go into medical field. </p>

<p>Hope everything goes well for you.</p>

<p>While driving, my mom collided with a bus; this happened back when I was in fourth grade. Your description of the hospital scene is all to familiar to me. I hope everything turns out okay for you and your family!</p>

<p>my dad has gone to the hospital due to a brain aneurism before, and i recall i was near numb for weeks... but numbness shall fade with love.</p>

<p>ali,I know how you feel. My dad was in the same situation over 5 years ago. The worst part is seeing her like that. Afterwords, once the shock wears off, it'll get a little easier. I realize looking back that the shock of seeing my father was because he was always supposed to be strong and to see him hooked up to the tubes... that was the worst because I knew then that he wasn't invincible. We are still dealing with his double concussion and the after affects. </p>

<p>This is probably what you're going through. Once the shock wears off, you'll feel better. I would honestly find somewhere else to spend the night tonight though if you have somebody that can take care of her at home. Trust me, it makes things a lot easier because you are going to worry immensely either way, but your friends will keep your mind occupied. There's nothing you can do to help and it would be better for you not to worry yourself sick.</p>

<p>Your mom will be ok, keep us updated. Let me know if you want to talk, I understand exactly what you're going through. I'll pray for your mom. Blessed be both of you <3.</p>

<p>I hope everything goes well for you and your family.</p>

<p>My step-aunt recently got into a car accident, broke her neck, and had a seizure whilst the car was still upside down. (She's all but fine now).</p>

<p>I am very sorry to hear about your mother, and will hold you and my family in my thoughts and prayers.</p>

<p>Thanks geveryone I appreciate it.</p>

<p>I think it is shock and it'll wear off but when you your mother doesn't know what happened or who you even are its depressing.I hope shell be ok.tomorrow morning she is seeing the plastic surgeon for her left hand(comepletely broke) and her face(totally fractured) they don't think there is any brain damage but she doesn't remember anything.she remembers leaving the airport(dropping my grandma off to go to colorado) and waking up in the er with me talking to took a good 20 minutes for her to remember who I was.I wanted to die.</p>

<p>Yea I guess having family and being interested in healthcare is good for times like I hear stories from my brther about the er but when it hits home its completely differant.</p>

<p>Im sorry a lot of ccers have had medical emergencies like that.madden that's crazy.they think here's was drunk but I don't have the police report yet.</p>

<p>Thanks again for thee support and prayers.and thanks romani I appreciate that a lot.</p>

<p>You have my prayers too ali. Do you have a pet to hug?</p>