My parents are cluless i need help!

<p>okay so i plan to attend a 4 year in state school and the problem is that my parents have NOO money right now and their credit is bad..and we dont qualify for any financial aid seeing as my parents make over150k combined. So i know my only option is to pay for college completely in loans. the only problem is i have 2 parents that didnt attend college and have NO idea where to begin. PLEASE IF ANYONE CAN HELP MEEEEEE!!!!!!!!! or offer advice as to where to loan the money from? im desperate :(</p>

<p>Sit down and talk to GC. They have heard everything, so this is nothing new. This is heartbreaking, as you sound like responsible kid. You may have to live at home and go to CC. Are there colleges near you? Are they able to provide you with room and board?</p>

<p>You will still need to submit FAFSA to qualify for federal student loans (even non need based ones). The maximum Stafford loan for a freshman is $5,500. Your parents can apply for PLUS loans. If they do not qualify for a plus laon because of bad credit then you can get additional Stafford loans ($4,000 I think). But they must apply for the PLUS and be turned down for you to be eligible.</p>

<p>Are your stats fairly good? If so you may qualify for some merit aid at a 4 year instate which would help a lot. Check out what they offer. If you do not qualify for any merit aid at the 4 year instate , you may be better off starting at a CC for the first 2 years. It would cost considerably less and the savings from the CC might make it more feasible for you to complete your education without too heavy a loan burden.</p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>start by filing the fafsa, you need to do that to qualify for federal stafford loans (everyone can get these) and if your parents are turned down for a Plus loan (for parents) you can get a bigger stafford loan.</p>

<p>If you don’t fill out the fafsa, you can’t the the federal loans. These are loans even if you don’t have ‘demonstrated need’, aka a really high EFC.</p>

<p>[FAFSA</a> - Free Application for Federal Student Aid](<a href=“]FAFSA”></p>

<p>edit to add the comment: swimcat, I think we channel each other sometimes!</p>

<p>$150k does not mean no FA…My quick calculations give a EFC of around $30k</p>

<p>I would put it closer to $35,000 - maybe a little higher if any of the income is unearned (no FICA allowance for unearned income in the formula).</p>

<p>Moot point either way. Most in-states (which the OP is planning on) are not going to cost more than $30-35k. For an instate $150k income probably does mean no aid.</p>