<p>Holy cow, what a sad story - and what a cautionary tale. If these were business losses, shame on your father for not setting up the business to protect himself from losing everything. If they were circumstances beyond his control...well, even excessive medical expenses etc. could have been covered by medical insurance, and income losses from disability insurance. Lots of people pay for ski trips etc. BEFORE they even THINK of protecting their families in case of catastrophic loss. We not only have business liability insurance, but medical, disability, and an umbrella policy to protect us from other losses. Let that be a lesson to other families!</p>
<p>(NOTE - no flames please about how not everyone can afford insurance. The OP said his parents had a half million dollar house, could afford to buy him a car, pay golf club memberships etc).</p>
<p>If what you say is true, that they actually cannot afford to support you, then the only thing to do would be for him to IMMEDIATELY file for bankruptcy to get out from under those debts. Normally I <em>very</em> strongly disapprove of filing for personal bankruptcy, as it just shifts one's debt onto other people, but in some cases it is a necessity. Since your parents have to pay for housing/utilities etc anyway, they should be able to put you up!</p>
<p>BTW I am not sure what "nearly" sixty has to do with anything at all. My mother kept her job - a job she GOT in her sixties! - til her early seventies. Many, many men retire at 65 and go on to another career.</p>
<p>Unless there is more you haven't told us, it sounds like your parents are giving you a bunch of excuses. Can't your mother work?</p>
<p>Be that as it may, you can still go to college. I volunteer at a regional state university where just about ALL the students also have jobs, many of them 40 hours a week! It may take them 5 or 6 years to graduate, but they are doing it! </p>
<p>Also, I agree with Sheeprun - don't assume that publics will do better for you than private schools. You never know.</p>
<p>I sincerely wish you well, and am deeply sorry that your parents did htis to you.</p>