<p>I am looking for a rough estimate. :)</p>
<p>my parents make roughly the same, and we pay ~ 20K to go here, for room/board</p>
<p>same around 20k… im in CALS, not sure if that really make that much of a difference</p>
<p>Does the amount of kids have an effect?</p>
<p>Thanks for your answers</p>
<p>Does the number of kids have an effect?</p>
<p>20k as in your efc is 20k? (so it doesnt include loans and self help O_o?) i would have thought thatd be much lower considering the new financial aid initiative, or has that not entirely gone into effect yet?</p>
<p>$20,000?! My parents make roughly $80,000 per year as well. If that’s all I’d be getting, I wouldn’t be able to go to Cornell.</p>
<p>20k including contribution and loans, if you have a brother or sister who’s also in college, that will lower the amount most likely</p>
<p>there are FAFSA EFC calculators online (free ones) </p>
<p>go there and tell your parents to fill it out if you cant</p>
<p>anbuitachi, does ur figure include the adjustments made in the most recent financial aid initiative in november? or has that not taken effect yet?</p>
<p>wat adjustment? i thought there was one for those under 60k salary. it hasn’t changed since the loan was changed</p>
<p>I think he’s asking how much your loans are. EFC and student contribution wouldn’t change under the new FA initiative.</p>
<p>just in the sense that they said that people in general would see their parental contributions fall significantly, as seen at the bottom of [Cornell</a> Chronicle: Cornell enhances financial aid program](<a href=“http://www.news.cornell.edu/stories/Nov08/FinancialAidBoost.html]Cornell”>CU recommits to need-based financial aid for undergrads | Cornell Chronicle)</p>
<p>those number however seem too good to be true based on what ive seen though D:</p>
<p>Yeah, you can expect your EFC to be about 25% of your family income.</p>
<p>lmao 25%?? My was 0.00. Then again Im poor.
<p>i pay 3000 loans cause of the adjustment. 20k includes work study and summer contribution cause i do neither.</p>
<p>The number of people in your family and number of kids in college significantly affects your expected contribution. For example my parents combined made almost 40k for our family of 5 (with three kids, all in college!). Our contribution to Cornell was roughly 2.5k, although this was partly due to extensive medical bills.</p>
<p>Well i messed up . My parents make 70k a year.
I have a brother who is graduating this year from undergrad and a sister who is a yr younger then me.</p>
<p>In that case, it comes down to your assets. Are they greater than or less than 100k?</p>