<p>This may be suicide , but I'm still debating on these.</p>
<p>AP Cal BC (2 class periods)
AP Lit (1 class period)
AP Physics C (1 class period)
Aerospace Science 6 / ROTC 6 (1 class period)
AP Computer Science (1 class period)
Maybe AP Bio OR Chem (both is 2 class periods each)</p>
<p>I need a total of 8 periods to be filled. I am debating on the last one though. If I don't take AP Bio or Chem, then ill need to look for 2 classes to do.</p>
<p>I realize that’s what you meant. I’m just saying it’s very backwards. Physics C is at least 2x harder than calc BC imo. probably even more than that if you trying to get 2 5’s</p>
<p>AP Bio, AP Chem, and AP Calculus BC are all 2 periods and Physics C is just 1? Lol. That’s the opposite of what I would think. At my school, AP Physics C and AP Chemistry are both every day.</p>