My Professors.

<p>OK so this semester I have four classes...and if i want to transfer on time as a sophomore, i need to cultivate relationships with professors from two classes. My calc professor is a russian who's not too fluent in english and doesnt really care about his students. My western philosophy professor is a goofy stoner who absolutely doesnt care about his students or even his own career for that matter....not to mention that his class has 380 students. (He's just really out there....he rambles on his own for about an hour and then leaves in a hurry) My econ "teacher" is a chinese grad student who has a decent command of the english language....but shes not a professor. My hebrew history professor is really the only nice dude who gives his students individualized attention, allows for student participation in classes, and encourages critical thinking on the subject material. </p>

<p>So the only two profs whom I've acquainted myself with are my hebrew history professor and my econ "teacher," both of whom know me well at this point. My econ teacher assumes the role of a professor in every sense, directing TA's and stuff, yet she is not officially a professor of economics. Will this be a problem when it comes to professor recommendations? I checked all the applications of the schools that I've applied to, and it seems that all they ask for of professors are "years teached. " Yet if this will be a problem, what should i do???? I'd appreciate some sincere advice guys. Any information pertaining to techniques on appealing to stoner philosophers would also be helpful.</p>

<p>visit during office hours, ask good questions . . .</p>

<p>Give a present...</p>

<p>russian calc professor yayyyyyy, I got one too and he's cool...though he hasn't spoken to me in Russian or the other Russian guy in our class yet..<em>shrug</em></p>

<p>slinky, what college?</p>

<p>my maath professorr tolks like dees. he ees a goot russian though, working harrt for the motherland. aas for now, i attend Univursity of Weesconseen Maadissoonn</p>

<p>AHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love Russian accents from natives who are new to "freedom land" hehehehehe.</p>

<p>Becoming more acquainted with your Philosophy professor seems to be the best bet. Whether or not he's goofy, if you actually talk to him and go to his office hours and that sort of thing, perhaps he'll take a shine to you and agree to write you a rec or whatever it is he needs to do. </p>

<p>It might also be helpful to try to talk to your Calc professor and not patronize him and his accent and his country. Just because he doesn't speak English very well doesn't mean he won't like you or become interested in your aspirations.</p>