<p>Ok so basically I'm a student who completed his freshman and sophomore year in India before moving to abroad. I now study in an international school which has given me a lot more opportunity to grow and learn. However that said I was unable to involve myself as much as I liked in such a setting. My gpa for my first and second semesters have been 3.44 and 3.67 respectively in my junior year. I am however proud to say that I have done a lot better [at least so far] in my senior year with a gpa of 3.93. This is however only my midquarter gpa.</p>
<p>I am a full IB student taking IB HL Math, Physics and Chemistry with SL Anthropology French and English. </p>
<p>My SAT scores have also been good with a 2230 overall score [Math:800 Crit: 730 Writing:700] </p>
<p>My Subject tests have been quite phenomenal, much better then I myself expected [Math Level 2: 800 Chem: 800 Phys: 800]</p>
<p>My extracurricular activities however remains slightly unfulfilling.
I don't do any sports because of my lack of resources back in India to grow athletically except for Rock Climbing, a sport I'm quite fond of. I also hold a leadership position in the Theater Council and do M.U.N. at school. But sadly, that's where they end. </p>
<p>I do however do a LOT of community service. I help disabled children and participate in the local SPCA.</p>
<p>My main question is getting into the top universities in the USA for engineering. It is possible for me to get more involved in the next couple of weeks but I'm wondering if I'm simply taking on extra pressure for a futile use.</p>
<p>All I want is a layman's evaluation on my chances of getting into good universities such as Cornell [the engineering faculty] or Columbia Engineering.</p>
<p>Any input provided at all would be very much appreciated.</p>