my roommate is a polar bear

<p>My roommate cannot live without the window being WIDE open. During the end of summer (august-sept), he would keep his stupid fan on with the window wide open, and I got fed up with waking up with stuffy noses, so I told him what was up, and he told me that he takes benadryl every night and wakes up fine.....UH, OKAY? </p>

<p>Eventually he got the point, so he shut off the fan, and for a while, we went to only cracking the window at night since it's starting to get very cold here in Colorado. Now, he wants to open it wide open again and it's starting to make me have the sniffles. I also have my guitar that I am starting to put in the closet now even though it's in a soft case because it gets so cold in here sometimes that I am afraid it is going to get warped. I am getting tired of going to a cold bed and I have to live with his fat ass for the next 6 months. Sorry if I sound hostile, but he got sick, claimed it was food poisoning, and then got me sick, and on top of that he isn't the cleanest guy around, but what do you recommend to tell him?</p>

<p>Just be upfront with him dude. Like seriously if it was me in that situation I'd catch him at a good time and just tell him how I'm feeling. Who's trying to die of like pneumonia in college? Compromise or something. Tell him if he'd be willing to close the window at night, you'd be willing to help him put snow in his bed ha ha</p>

<p>haha im a polar bear too, like to snuggle up under the covers :)</p>

<p>You should talk to him.</p>

<p>In the event that he doesn't stop, buy one of those heating pads that heats your whole bed, and some more blankets.</p>

<p>I am also a polar bear. Have you considered switching rooms or roommates?</p>

<p>I just don't want to live with a stuffy nose 24/7. Buy a heating pad and blankets? I don't have any money man.... I don't want to switch roommates because that would mean that I would have to be switching out and they would probably stick me in one of the off campus dorms, although now that you've mentioned it, I may consider it. He just comes in sometimes and says "It's HOT in here" and opens the window.....doesn't even ask.</p>

<p>plus, come to think of it...why switch roommates? i mean, at least he doesn't steal my stuff or mess with it (that i know of)...he's not a terrible roommate..he's just inconsiderate</p>

<p>I go to college in Colorado, too...And I am a polar bear. My roommate last year kept the windows closed and then the heater on high, it was awwwwful. But I guess I get overheated really fast (I actually had the same argument with my boyfriend and let him close the windows and he got way hot so we compromise). I mean, the stuffy nose thing sucks but more blankets might help...Are you closest to the window? can you rearrange your rooms? Really, just talk to him...without calling him a fat ass.</p>

<p>My roomates the same. It is 35 degrees outside, about 64 in the room(maintmence is supposed to fix it), and my roommate has 2 fans on. The thing that bothers me is that both the fans face my side of the room, so it's basically freezing on my side. I just turn the fans off.
The reason she probably has the fans on is b/c I turn one on at night to mask her snoring, but it's very small and doesn't blow cold air.</p>

<p>Just talk to him but don't ever use the word "sniffles" again.</p>

<p>I remember one of my old roommates loved keeping his room freezing cold. After he started exercising and lost about 100 pounds (he was pretty darned big) he started complaining about how cold the place was! I didn't know fat people actually stayed that much warmer.</p>

<p>You guys need to control the heat in the room. Dorms are notoriously overheated. What I did was open up my window during the day (maybe just a bit) to let out some cold air so that when I came in for the night, my room wasn't so hot. Then I'd close the window and let the heat build up overnight. Rinse and repeat.</p>

<p>I know people who get SO hot fast (usually heavier people) and they get annoyed with it. If your roommate's like that, you're in for a tough winter. I was constantly arguing with my dad over the house temps (he's got some fat on him compared to me and my mom) during the winter AND summer and he'd just tell me "Deal with it, just layer up." Ugghhh. I couldn't wait to move out and set my own thermostat! So you have a choice- deal with it and put on layers, or switch rooms. It's almost at the end of the semester anyway and most people change roommates at this point (conflicts, someone's going off-campus, drop out, etc).</p>