My SAT Biology Review Packet

<p>I have promised many of you my Biology review packet, but I wasn't able to find it then. Well, the wait is over. Lol.
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>These notes are from PR and Barrons.
I wrote this for personal reasons, but now that testing is over, I want to help others who need a little review before the big day.
good luck and enjoy.</p>

<p>PS: this review is missing the last part of what is tested (imprinting, conditioning, etc) because I was too lazy to write summaries for those</p>

<p>Nice post, but you should also post in the SAT Subject Test Sub-forum.</p>

<p>Oh crap, wrong section!
D'oh. Can a moderator please move this?</p>

<p>Don't worry - It happens to the best of us ;-)</p>

<p>BTW, the packet is beast!</p>

<p>It took me 5 days to write this
You better enjoy it :P</p>

<p>Phail. Most of material wasn't on test. Sry :/</p>