<p>If I do not plan on majoring in science, is a 730 in physics still good?</p>
<p>Total SAT IIS:</p>
<p>MAth IC:760
Math IIC: 800
Latin: 720
Physics: 730</p>
<p>I hope they are solid for Duke ED college of ARts and Sciences.</p>
<p>If I do not plan on majoring in science, is a 730 in physics still good?</p>
<p>Total SAT IIS:</p>
<p>MAth IC:760
Math IIC: 800
Latin: 720
Physics: 730</p>
<p>I hope they are solid for Duke ED college of ARts and Sciences.</p>
<p>730 is jolly good for you if you don't major in natural sciences or engineering, at Duke or elsewhere. But what are you doing taking two Maths and Phys if you aren't gonna go for sciences?</p>
<p>Well, I hope to do Premed, but perhaps major in Clasics. I hope that those scores are solid for top universities? Plus I have a 1480/1600 on the SAT I...</p>
<p>God, I don't have the faintest idea about med. But I can tell you that your SAT I is neat. You know, at 1450+ differences cease to matter, and other stuffs come into play. Anyway, I think you'll want a couple more SAT IIs in social sciences or humanities, whatever you call it.</p>