<p>EC's: Varisty Tennis Team Captain
Coperenicum: I started my school's own chapter, the fifth in the nation
(this is a scientific journal that is published with articles by high school students)(The high school version of the Triple Helix College Scientific Journal ---Google it)
Started a commnity service program -- teaching tennis to mentally retarded children & adults at Deer Park Tennis & Fitness Club
I write weekly articles for the website: Behind</a> The Ballot
And of course the usual 100+ hrs of community service/active member of a few clubs in my high school</p>
<p>... my gpa ... 3.5 (unweighted)</p>
<p>I dunno where i'm gonna go to college with that kind of gpa...i'm apparently one of those "lazy smart kids" or so says my principal.</p>
<p>Can you guys tell me what kind of colleges i can get into?</p>
<p>I think ivy's are possible. Your gpa is not bad, and scores are amazing. You should apply to harvard even. I mean obviously chances aren't high, but you definetly stand a chance.</p>
<p>Ooh deer park. you must live in texas around houston?</p>
<p>With scores like that, you have a legitimate shot at the top tier colleges. Perhaps explain in detail why your grades are lower (maybe sports, etc) or perhaps progression in your academics.</p>
<p>that's not all that bad for an unweighted GPA. Not OMG spectatcular, but your test scores more than compensate IMHO. Although I too would be interested in seeing your clas rank</p>
<p>I think Cornell would have been a definite yes had you applied ED, same with NYU. But Long Island is very competitive. So Stanford, I'd say reach, regardless of whether you had applied EA or RD. Cornell and NYU RD, I'd say high match/low reach.</p>
<p>I'm more optimistic about your chances. As long as you're in the top 10%, I think your scores and ECs, which are both phenomenal, will compensate.</p>
<p>I'd say you have a chance at those schools. However, Ivies and Stanford look at transcript the most, so they will be a slightly higher reach than for most. For Cornell and NYU you've got a good shot.</p>
<p>wait do colleges see your actual scores (1234 or 5) on AP exams?? or just your grade in the class...because what if youdo well in the class but get, say, a 3 on the exam??</p>
<p>I had virtually the same test scores and grades (2370 SAT, 2x800 SAT IIs, ECs on the same level of achievement but completely different focus, and ~top10% class rank in a suburban NJ hs which is very similar to your school in L.I.). I got into Stanford SCEA, despite being extremely worried about my 3.4-3.5 UW too. I think teacher recs play an important role in showing that you're a dedicated student. Don't label yourself as lazy, trust me colleges don't want to see a person with so much potential squandering it. You could potentially get into HYPSM, and you certainly have fighting chances at Cornell and NYU Stern. I wish you the best of luck.</p>
<p>It's best that you apply ED somewhere. I read someone with 3.3 uw, applied ED to Columbia and got in. I think he took a gap year also before he applied.</p>