★my score range and need some advices!!!

<p>It's score ranges from my bluebook model test 1.
I've never taken a real SAT.
well, this October I'm taking my first SAT.
I'm senior though. (I had some personal things going on during my junior year so I couldn't take it then)</p>


<p>Reading 580-640
Math 690-770
Writing 620-760</p>


<p>These are my score range and I really do want to get better score especially on my reading!</p>

<p>If you guys have any advice for me or anything please help me out here.</p>

<p>And do you think it is possible for me to aim 2200 till Nov or Dec test?</p>

<p>One more, do you usually get similar score on your real test? (under your normal condition)</p>

<p>judging by your practice scores, it's definitely possible for you to get a 2200 (maybe or maybe not on your first try) if you are able to raise you Cr score by 70-100 points.</p>

<p>I predict your scores will go something like this:
M: 750
CR: 620 (hopefully a 700 though, if you can figure out what your doing wrong)
Wr: 730</p>

<p>also, my actual score compared to my practice score was very close....can't testify for everyone though.</p>

<p>You're in range of a 2200, but be sure to take ALL the model tests first. Having a low section score can be a good and bad thing. While it may be an eyesore now, it lets you focus your attentions on what's going wrong, so you can raise your overall score. A jump from 640->700 is still, after all, much easier than a jump from 750->800. You really can't expect much from your first try, when you don't even have the groove of the test down. Take a couple more tests (up to 3 or 4), and if you still aren't seeing an improvement, then you could be looking at a 620CR/730M/700W (based on the rough middle of the scores), but usually thats simply not the case.</p>