My Shot at Binghamton

I am a current senior with a weighted average of 3.4 GPA. Testing optional. I have great extracurricular activities and an excellent essay. I would like to know if I have a good shot for Binghamton.

The last common data set I could find for Bing has this information about GPA:

Score Range Percent
Percent who had GPA of 4.0
Percent who had GPA between 3.75 and 3.99 75%
Percent who had GPA between 3.50 and 3.74 15%
Percent who had GPA between 3.25 and 3.49 7%
Percent who had GPA between 3.00 and 3.24 2%
Percent who had GPA between 2.50 and 2.99 1%
Percent who had GPA between 2.0 and 2.49
Percent who had GPA between 1.0 and 1.99
Percent who had GPA below 1.0
Totals should = 100% 100%

Weighted 3.4 means it’s a HUGE reach.

Where else have you applied?

Possibilities would include SUNY Cortland, Oswego, Oneonta, Plattsburgh, Polytech Utica or Millersville, Bloomsburg, Pitt Johnstown (if you like skiing), Stockton, or among private colleges that are matches or low reaches: Hartwick, Elizabethtown, Lycoming, St Bonaventure, York, Washington&Jefferson, Westminster, (Marist, LeMoyne, Clarkson and Susquehanna as reaches).


Binghamton has become very competitive. Just for reference, we are in NY and my 2023 did get in, but was offered zero merit(she was offered very good merit at Geneseo, Cortland, Oswego, Stony Brook and Syracuse). She was also deferred from EA to RD, like MANY kids we know. She had a 97 average, 5 AP, 2 SUNY Oswego, 2 SUPA, very good ECs with leadership roles, very good LORs and writing is her strength. She did not submit test scores. She was also waitlisted to NYU. I do agree with the others that it would be difficult with a 3.4, but you never know! Definitely cast a wide range of schools you’d be happy at and see what happens! There are many amazing SUNY options that would be thrilled with a 3.4 GPA. My 2025 has barley a 90 average (I never know how it converts to 4.0 scale but that’s probably similar?) and I would not expect her to get into Bing, but there are definitely many SUNYs I’m confident she will get into! Good luck!


Certainly apply and give it your all.
But based on the very limited information provided, I agree that Binghamton sounds like a big reach. Talk to your guidance counselor about your high school’s history of admissions to the school and if your HS has a system like Naviance you can check that as well.

As many have noted, there are other great SUNY options out there that will be more of a match with your GPA.

As a general rule, strong ECs do not make up for a weaker transcript (unless you have some truly remarkable achievement).

I would encourage you to apply. My S24 got into Watson School of Engg at Bing earlier this month with a 3.5W GPA. It was a reach for him, based on statistics. We applied early (in Sept) and that certainly seems to have helped.

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