Chances at Binghamton?

Hi everyone :slight_smile: Please chance me for SUNY Bing

I’m a male who lives in-state
GPA: My school has its own weighted system of GPAs I calculated my unweighted gpa, but I dunno if it’s 100% accurate. I’m ranked 64 out of 372 students (so in the top 17%)
School GPA: 3.85
SAT: 1360 (first time I took it I got 1350, second time 1330. The 1360 is the superscore)
I’m applying as a prehealth student.

My extracurriculars are alright, nothing special nor terrible. If you have questions or want elaboration, I’ll give more info.
I’m applying regular decision, hoping to hand everything in by Dec 1
Thank you very much!!!

The school’s weighted gpa is 3.85 and the one I calculated was either 3.62 or 3.68

I’d say you’re right in the target. I’d expect you to get in, but there are also many more people applying with similar stats. Just try to relax and wait until decision day. It’ll come soon enough :wink:

Thanks rebeccar

You are in for sure. Solid GPA and scores.

I don’t agree with @sprinkles12 . Bing is not a certainty for the OP’s stats. Yes @AlphonsusLiguori could get in. But definitely not “for sure”.

@WilliamNYC If they are applying to harpur they are almost guaranteed to be in since harpur is not as selective and the OPs GPA and scores are on target. Now SoM is more competitive and they have less of a chance there but they still have a decent shot. I just assumed they are applying to harpur.

Thanks for all the input. I am applying to Harpur (Pre-Health)

I ended up getting into Binghamton, which I am happy for. The admissions this year was a little weird. There was a kid from the top 10% with a 1340 SAT who got waitlisted from Watson, but a kid who’s in the top 25% with a 1390 SAT got in (also Watson). Also, it seems that they value SATs a lot, especially if its above 1400, since there was a kid with a 3.4 school weighted GPA and a 1410 SAT who got in after being deferred.

BU is fairly easy to figure out, for Harpur at least. Look at Naviance and draw a line where the green turns red.

There green dots on the left side, but no red dots on the right side at our high school. It gets tricky because the different schools criteria which Naviance doesn’t show. At our school, 1400 seems to be the hard dividing line but there is lots of green on the left side.