What are my chances for Binghamton?

Hello there! I am currently a junior in high school, and have been getting pretty serious about college. I recently went on a tour of Binghamton, and absolutely loved it. It is considered one of the best state schools in NY, and it offers a lot of majors that interest me.
However, I want to know if I have a chance of getting in.
My ACT score is a 28 (the average being a 29 for Bing)
And my unweighted GPA is a 3.3 (the average being a 3.7)
However, I have been working pretty hard this year, and I believe I can get my GPA up to a 3.5. And I take two AP’s.
EXTRACURRICULARS- Young democrats club, volunteer at local animal shelter.

So I know I do not have a very impressive portfolio- but how else can I build on that (outside of grades and such)
I really like this school, and I want to do everything I can to get in.
Advice is really appreciated!!!

I would suggest retaking the act another time or trying the sat just to be safe. If you could boost it to a 29-30 it may give you a significant boost. Definitely, keep your grades up like you are saying and you should be alright.

Retake act…32 and higher will give more assurances