<p>How is the dorms for freshmen to live in Indiana University Bloomington? Is it big enough? Is there any Kitchen available in the rooms? Who can send me the photos of the dorms available in University Bloomington? </p>
<p>Thanks very much from your help!</p>
<p>Look around for information at this link: [IU</a> Residential Programs and Services (RPS)](<a href=“http://www.rps.indiana.edu/index.cfml]IU”>http://www.rps.indiana.edu/index.cfml)</p>
<p>Under the admitted students tab, look at frequently asked questions and housing guide. You’ll find pictures too.</p>
<p>Most of the freshman dorms are doubles, with two students sharing the room. They’re big enough, but I’m not sure about kitchens. Often times dorms have a shared kitchen on each floor. You can probably find information about that by looking the the website above. There are reduced rate options (students do some of the custodial work) and more expensive options (both air conditioning and semi private bathrooms). </p>
<p>You can’t select what dorm you’ll be in, but you can select price level of room and neighborhood. There are three neighborhoods (about 4 dorms in each neighborhood) - northwest, central, and southeast. Northwest is closest to the fraternity area and has a reputation for being the party neighborhood. Southeast has the reputation of being quiet and it also houses a lot of performing arts majors because it’s closest to the music buildings. Central is kind of in between - not a constant party but not so quiet as southeast. </p>
<p>You can also select to live on an honors floor (if you’re in accepted into the honors college) or in an LLC - living learning community. LLC’s share a common interest like business majors or outdoor activities. You can also read about the different LLC’s on the website. There’s also the global village - again more details on the website. </p>
<p>I think the most important thing is to select the neighborhood, honors floor, or LLC as you wish. The room size and kitchen facilities come second for most people.</p>
<p>Is that have many international student get in? :)</p>
<p>There are LOTS of international students who go here - IU is a rather diverse campus. I would therefore assume that lots of international students get in. I would have to say that most international students come from Japan, Korea, China, Hong Kong, etc., but there are definitely international students from other countries - I have met quite a few from England and from other areas in Europe.</p>
Thank you so much!</p>