My situation.....

<p>Alright, I graduated high school in Las Vegas and subsequently attended UNLV for a semester then dropped all 4 of my classes with a W due to lack of motivation and not holding much value in my education. The following semester I gave it another shot at the local community college, but ended dropping all but 1 class (which I got a B in). So that totaled up to about 9 W's and 1 B. The following year, when I was 19, I decided to move to the Bay Area and give school another shot out here. After 4 semesters at my JC, I currently have a 3.52 GPA (got all A's and B's and 2 W's) and have decided that I want to transfer to UCB. I have 2 semesters left (around 18 units or so, I have 44 currently), and am planning on finishing them with straight A's.</p>

<p>My 2 questions are:</p>

<p>1) How detrimental would my first year of college be to my chances of transferring? Do I have to report my first semester of W's? (I probably do after reading this board)
2) If you were to evaluate my work up to this point, how would you rate my chances?</p>

<p>BTW, my major is Political Science and plan on attending law school after graduation.</p>

<p>I’m amazed at how similar your story is to mine (I dropped out of UNR and moved to CA a few years later).</p>

<p>From what I’ve been told by University representatives, an educational history such as that won’t have any effect on your admissions as long as you’ve shown a positive upturn in your performance, which you obviously have. Some have mentioned that it might be an added bonus, because it shows that you’re the type of person who is willing to go back, correct mistakes and try again without giving up.</p>

<p>As far as your chances are concerned at UCB you’re GPA is below the average for the admitted, but if you knocked your essays out of the park and have all of your prereqs done I’d say you have a fair chance. Basically a lock everywhere else, though.</p>