<p>I don't know why, but no matter how satiated I am, my stomach ALWAYS starts to growl whenever my roommate is in the room with me. Even if I've just eaten a meal, the moment she enters the room, I get that feeling (you know, where it's imminent that your stomach is going to let out an embarrassingly noisy grumble). >_< I'm guessing that my nervousness worsens the issue, but for some reason, this doesn't happen in any other situation, like when I'm in class or in the library. Ugh. Anyway, what's a reliable way to shut up my stomach? I've tried drinking tons of water (makes it worse), eating a small snack (alleviates the growling for, like, ten minutes), and laying down on my bed (yeah, this works, but I can't remain in that position forever).</p>
<p>I’m having the EXACT same problem! Glad to know I’m not alone. I’m pretty sure stress can be a big cause of obsessive stomach growling. So just try your best to take your mind off of it. Go for walks to help calm your stomach; this helps me some. It also might be certain foods that are bothering you so you can do some experimenting to see which are and aren’t.</p>
<p>I try not to be too embarrassed. I can’t help that my stomach’s crazy. I even mentioned that to her “man my stomach won’t shut up” to make it a little less awkward.</p>
<p>You need more red meat.</p>
<p>Just admit that you’re lesbian or bi and you and your roommate should hit me up.</p>
<p>Hi, </p>
<p>Please take lemon water …</p>
<p>hm. I incurred this strange problem in the my school’s library twice recently. If it continue’s I may try the lemon water suggestion. Red meat just seems a bit inconvenient (no offense tobacco).</p>
<p>This might seem like a strange suggestion, but have you ever been tested for food allergies? I used to have a similar problem, and I found out I had a minor allergy I was unaware of. It could also be that you’re just not used to the new college food, or that nervousness and stress is exacerbating the problem. Either way, try to relax! It might help.</p>
<p>Are you sure it’s your stomach growling as in asking for food and not making some weird noise because the college food is not agreeing with you?</p>
<p>Also enfieldacademy how is red meant inconvenient but lemon water isn’t?</p>
<p>had the same problem but not anymore cuz whenever i feel my stomach is going to growl, i keep myself busy by talking or thinking something im excited about then it goes away.oh and try to eat something constantly like candy,peppermint…it can be anything just to keep ur stomach busy.Hope this helps:)</p>