Mybama questions

<p>Hi, my S was admitted to the University of Alabama and received a very nice packet, sticker, etc yesterday. I am debating on whether I should pay the $200 deposit now because I checked scholarship offers on his “Mybama” and he still does not have any. Also, when he submitted his scholarship app, he did not apply for any specific scholarship either because he wasn’t eligible or he didn’t want to write the essay for the particular scholarship (knowing that he already qualified for the engineering scholarship). Is there a timeframe in which I should expect the scholarship to appear in the Mybama account. Do you think he did something wrong on the scholarship app? </p>

<p>Thanks for all your help, it is much appreciated!!!
(By the way he has 31 ACT, 3.8 GPA)</p>

<p>If he is planning to attend, pay the deposit and housing deposit so he gets priority housing registration. The scholarship offers won’t show until much later (some time next year)/</p>

<p>Last year my D got a letter regarding her scholarship in late October. It was followed by the “official” letter in February or March, IIRC. I don’t remember when it showed up on MyBama, but it definitely was not this early. </p>

<p>My D didn’t make her deposit until late October, which got her the third pick time on the first day. That would not have been good enough to get her the room she wanted with the roommates she wanted (fortunately a roomie had the first pick time and pulled everyone in). My D made her deposit in October even though she didn’t definitely decide on Bama until March. If there’s a good chance that your son will attend Bama, I’d make the deposit as soon as you can. Also, unless he is 100% certain that he will remain in engineering for 4 years, I’d probably have him take the October ACT to try to bring it up to 32. That would give him the flexibility to switch his major if he ever changed his mind while still retaining a full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p><a href=“By%20the%20way%20he%20has%2031%20ACT,%203.8%20GPA”>I</a>*</p>

<p>Well, right now he qualifies for a 2/3 tuition scholarship. Is he retesting? If he gets a 32 or a 1400 M+CR, then he’ll get free tuition.</p>

<p>What did he put as his major on his app?</p>

<p>edit…I see that he’s an engineering major, he’ll get free tuition plus 2500 per year…</p>

<p>However, I would still have him retest. It may be too late to take the Oct ACT, but he could take the Nov SAT. Then if he gets the 1400, then if he changes his major in the future, he’ll still have full tuition.</p>

<p>He is taking the Oct ACT for a 32 for the same reasons as you guys stated. If I pay the deposit now and he decided to attend a different school would the entire deposit be lost? My son is 50/50 right now for Bama.</p>

<p>If he does not attend UA you lose the tuition deposit but not the housing deposit as long as you cancel his housing.</p>

<p>Deposits aren’t refundable. If he’s not sure, why not wait a bit?</p>

<p>However, the later you deposit and put in a housing deposit, the later date he’ll get for picking a dorm room.</p>

<p>The Housing deposit IS refundable (up to $225.00 if you meet the deadline for requesting it), but the enrollment deposit is not.</p>

<p>From the Housing site:</p>

<p>What if I apply for housing and decide not to attend UA?</p>

<p>If you do not attend the University, you can receive a refund of your $225.00 prepayment by canceling with Housing and Residential Communities by May 1, 2013. Students who cancel their housing between May 2 and June 1 will receive a refund of $125.00. To submit a cancellation request, please fill out the form online. Because the prepayment is refundable, you are strongly urged to apply for housing, even if you have not made your final decision regarding the school you will attend. Your housing choices will be greater the earlier you apply for housing.</p>