myBerkeleyApp question

<p>I have a question regarding the breadth requirements part of the myberkeleyapp. I'm using IGETC to fulfill the requirements. At the end of the IGETC table is the LOTE section. I took 3 years of the same language in high school, so I checked that box underneath the table. Am I supposed to fill out stuff from high school in the columns on the table though? Or is checking that box all I need to do? I ask because the column on the table actually says "LOTE - HS Course, College Course, AP Exam" but I'm not sure how im supposed to enter my HS info in...</p>

<p>Checking the box is all you need to do. Since you stated your fulfilling GE’s through IGETC Berkeley will assume you have fulfilled the language requirement since you checked the box.</p>