Well, the NAPS letter arrived last night. After a few moments of disappointment, my son has turned himself around and receognized the true opportunity that it is and we are all very happy and proud!! So - he is off to Rhode Island!!</p>
<p>Is there a thread for NAPS people? Because I have some questions I can't seem to find even on the NAPS web site -- which seems a little skimpy to me!</p>
<p>What should he do about his nomination interviews that are coming up? Does he have to get a nomination next year? Should he still take the SAT again, or let it go? How many people actually get into the academy after 1 year at NAPS? Oh, we have so many questions - and the letter only gives us 1 week to accept of decline!!</p>
<p>thank you!! I have scoured both of those pages – are there any photos of the campus anywhere?? It seemed a little skimpy - but trust me - most of those pages were already printed out last night and have been poured over numerous times by every member of my household - including my 7th grader!!</p>
<p>Try using a search engine to find your state’s USNA parents club. There should be an email contact on that page…perhaps they can send you in the right direction.</p>
<p>Newport is a great town. Parents will love this tourist town much more than the Napsters unless you visit in the very dead of winter. I was surprised at the number of NAPS graduates in my daughter’s class that disliked Newport. Downtown for them is a long way (without a car) with not a lot to do. Probably the New England weather has an affect on those coming from other areas of the country. It can get very cold and raw with the wind off Narragansett Bay. On the bright side, on I-Day the NAPS graduates have friends going through the same procedure. They are not alone in that they can always see a friendly face during the day. I saw a lot of NAPS graduates getting together with theiir families after the oath of office on I-Day. A lot tougher on those going in cold and not knowing anyone.</p>
<p>Congratulations to Napsters, many who go on to become leaders of the Brigade of Midshipmen at the Naval Academy! Most recently, Senator John McCain’s son Jack, spent a year at NAPS.</p>
<p>Thank you for your PM. I tried to write you back usservicemom, but your mailbox was full. After a weekend of research and talking to people who know, my son is absolutely thrilled to accept the offer of NAPS. I am mailing the acceptance today. He called the admissions number on the letter and the person who answered the phone actually went to NAPS, which was a happy coincidence and the guy told him how great it was, how he would never regret it and what a wonderful opportunity it was for him. So, we are ON BOARD!! Thanks for everyone’s great advise!!</p>
<p>NAPS used to be used heavily by the Coast Guard Academy to prepare candidates for admission, typically about 30 or more per year. For some reason the CGA is phasing out its involvement there…not sure if it is budgetary or what. This year there are only a handful. Anybody know why? Sorry to “hijack” the thread somewhat.</p>
<p>Aloha, now it’s my Son’s turn, he has been asked to go to play football he is a kicker he has a 3.4 Gpa but is going to naps first how was it? Please help this Mom.</p>
<p>Help guy’s my son is going to naps to play football had a 3.3 so couldn’t go straight to Maryland how was it? what should he take with him… I can’t afford to fly there from Hawaii so money will have to be saved for him to come home instead… what do they do if they can’t get home?</p>