<p>I was disappointed with my 710 writing score, but I found I didn't do that poorly. I got 43 out of 49 in MC and 10 on essay. When I examined the curve on the collegeboard book, it states the range of "670-800". Did you guys think the curve was steep after, say two wrong? Let's try to construct how the writing curve was! Out of a possible 73 points (essay + MC), I scored 63 to get 710. So, this is what I have so far.
I got 3 wrong on multiple choice, ommitted 0, for a subscore of 73? I got a 12 essay, and got a 770. I don't think like 1 or 2 multiple choice questions should penalize me more than writing a worse essay</p>
<p>Ok... This is weird. I took the January SAT II writing and here's the breakdown:
4 wrong and none omitted out of a total of 60 questions - don't know how this happened though - subscore of 80
10 essay - subscore of 75
800 score overall
What is going on with the College Board?
I really really really do not want to take the new SAT.</p>
<p>My sister took the SAT II writing in January and ended up with a 780. She got a 10 on her essay and i think missed five. She ended up with a 780.</p>
<p>She took the new SAT in March. In the writing section, she again got a 10 on her essay, and missed four questions. She got a 720 this time!!!</p>
<p>Fortunately most of the college's she'll apply to accept the highest from old and new tests combined.</p>