National Achievement Finalist Class of 2014?

<p>Has anyone heard whether they are a Finalist yet? There is a lot of talk of rejection letters on the National Merit area here on CC, but only one mentioned a NA rejection. I am wondering if the rejections are still coming out or if we are pretty much safe if we have not received one yet.
Anyone know?</p>

<p>Notices were mailed to the schools last Friday</p>

<p>^^ How do you know they were mailed Friday? Did you call NMC?</p>

<p>Yes I did. Letters will be mail to the finalist soon</p>

<p>My daughter was a finalist last year and the school took its sweet time to get word to her. They wanted to do it on scholarship night which was about 3 months after they were notified.</p>

<p>Just communicate with the NMF and your school throug the process.</p>

<p>Wondering if anyone has been notified yet? I emailed my D’s Guidance Counselor and nothing yet. The official timeline for National Achievement on the National Merit site says notices mailed to school Jan. 17, mailed to students Jan. 24.</p>

<p>Update - the letter was received at the guidance office today - whoo hoo!</p>

<p>My daughter just received her letter for finalist today.</p>

<p>Did she get it in the mail at her house or was her counselor notified?</p>

<p>Just received my finalist letter in the mail</p>

<p>My D received her letter at home the same day that the school received it.</p>

<p>My son received his finalist letter at school; it arrived yesterday!</p>

<p>My D got his at home too</p>

<p>My D received a finalist letter also.</p>

<p>Got the letter via mail. School waits usually to announce NM and NA Finalist together. Now headed to Northeastern to visit since I got in EA and they give big $ and honors program to finalist. I feel like I have a few real options now in case my reach schools don’t pan out in regular decision! Grateful and relieved.</p>