National Hispanic Scholar NHRP Class of 2019

I qualified and I sent in all the materials, I mean like how do they choose who to award a certificate to?

Chill. It’s very simple. No need to complicate it. You all have a ton of other things to focus your energy on. No upper, lower tier. Many counselors don’t even know about this surprisingly. Meeting the criteria listed is what qualifies you. Good job. Don’t let anything steal your joy!

@sarajayhawk If you met the requirements, it’s automatic.

Does anybody know the amount for the merit scholarship UCF offers for out-of-state National Hispanic Scholars? I’ve been doing some digging and I know they offer money, I just haven’t found how much. I’ve also been following this thread for like the past week, and I figured it’d be a good place to seek answers. I’m a senior currently waiting for my letter to get here and I’m trying to weigh my options.

I’m in AZ and I know all three state universities offer generous scholarships for NHRP grads, but I have also been heavily considering UCF and UKy as well to put myself out there in a brand new environment outside of the southwest. Any thoughts or experiences with those schools or going out of state in general? Also are there any other schools I should consider applying to? I’ve been accepted to ASU and I’m awaiting a decision from UCF; I’m planning on applying to UKy as well as the honors colleges for all three schools.

@evergreen5 why is there this whole forum then about waiting to see lol and why’d I have to send in stuff and wait

@FreshTortillas I emailed UCF to ask but they were not able to tell me an answer.

@thepotatomaster noted, thank you.

They better be sending those certificates on over night flights or by drones to all of our houses! lol

So if I exceeded the minimum score required for my state, was notified by the collegeboard to apply, and possess a 4.0 unweighted GPA, am I guranteed National Hispanic Recognition?

@kelvinismyunit As long as your application was recieved by the deadline and your counselor verified you were at least a quarter Hispanic.

Then what is honorable mention that I see some people saying?

@evergreen5 why is there this whole forum then about waiting to see lol and why’d I have to send in stuff and wait

I think it’s because, for some reason, the College Board is unwilling to clearly and unambiguously state that it’s automatic. Perhaps they want to keep their options open somehow. There is also confusion because some people think NHRP is like NMS which does have different levels.

@FreshTortillas My daughter is also in AZ and wants to go out-of-state. There are quite a few out-of-state schools that offer good scholarships to NHRP’s. University of Alabama is one she is considering. There are also quite a few schools that don’t automatically offer full-rides to NHRP, BUT do have merit scholarships you can apply for that include “diversity or students of color, as the primary criteria”. For example, she is applying to Clemson because they offer the “University Diversity Scholarship”. At some point, perhaps there’s a way to put out a complete list on College Board that has ALL of the colleges that offer money to NHRP. I found a list of 50 schools that do. The list is from 2017 and it’s incomplete because I’ve already found others to add. I’m just not sure how to upload this to share with you… ideas?

@chunkylegs My son was invited for the NHRP two years ago but did not receive it. We have no idea why. We filled out the required paperwork and he met the requirements. We did not pursue it because he wanted to stay in state and go to Arizona State University, which gave him a scholarship for his test scores, so the NHRP wasn’t really that important in his case. Now my daughter has been invited and we are waiting anxiously. If she is not selected we will definitely be pursuing the “why not” question…she has a 1410 and a 3.9 GPA.

@chunkylegs First, there is a lot of wondering about cutoffs for region as they are not published. Second, you need to send stuff in because your gpa and 1/4 Hispanic need to be verified by your counselor. Third, seniors waiting now for the official award will want to include this in the award section in the Common App.

The UCF scholarship amount associated with a National Hispanic Scholar is $6,000 per semester or $12,000 a year. This was communicated to me by the person in charge of the Scholars program.

@evergreen5, I know, I was trying to answer the question but I don’t think I was clear. I do wish the College Board would be more transparent with this award!

@ArizonaParent ugh!! I hope your daughter gets her certificate this year!

My daughters guidance counselor signed off on my daughters application. Do the colleges expect any proof of ancestry? Her birth certificate does not state anything. My husband was born in Portugal but his father is Brazilian.

My daughter received her letter yesterday. : ) Good luck to all.