<p>Well, I got my first email from NYU (never got a confirmation), and it perplexes me.</p>
<p>Dear _________,</p>
<p>Over the next two weeks, the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) Admissions Committee will finalize admissions decisions and select a number of students from the entering freshman class for scholarships and scholars programs. As an applicant to the College of Arts and Science, you are automatically considered for all scholarships and scholars programs and we do not need any additional information, unless you have been selected as a National Merit Scholarship Finalist by the National Merit Scholarship program.</p>
<p>Students entering CAS who have been selected as National Merit Scholarship Finalists are eligible to participate in one of several scholarship programs at the College. These programs are designed to provide students with an enriched academic and cultural experience, as well as scholarship assistance. All CAS scholars participate in the Freshman Honors Seminars conducted by distinguished faculty from across all NYU schools, complete honors coursework in their major, participate in community service, and engage in special lectures and similar intellectual pursuits with other Scholars. In addition to group cultural activities in New York City, scholars may also participate in study abroad trips during intersession.</p>
<p>Students in the scholars programs also receive a scholarship, the amount of which is based on both merit and financial need. The scholarship is renewable annually based on academic achievement and your participation in the scholars program you are invited to join.</p>
<p>If you are a National Merit Scholarship Finalist, you must confirm your status in order to receive an invitation to join one of the CAS scholars programs. To do so, visit our National Merit Status confirmation page at admissions.nyu.edu/rsvp/national.merit/ and enter your name and your NYU ID number, which is _________. To receive an invitation to a CAS scholars program, you must confirm by Tuesday, March 17th.</p>
<p>Note: If you are not a National Merit Finalist, you need do nothing further to be considered for all scholarships and scholar programs for which you are eligible. Watch for your financial aid package which will contain all the information.</p>
<p>National Merit Scholarship Finalists who confirm their status will receive additional information and an invitation to a CAS scholars programs during the last week in March. Please note that members of the CAS Admissions Committee will not be able to confirm the amount of your scholarship; your financial aid package will reflect your scholarship award.</p>
<p>We look forward to welcoming you to a CAS scholars program in September!</p>
<p>Barbara Hall
Associate Provost for</p>
<h2>Enrollment Management</h2>
<p>Does this mean that although I am not a finalist, I get the same scholars programs opportunities as those who are?
Also that wording.... "your" financial aid package... is that supposed to be hypothetical?</p>