national merit finalist with a low gpa?

<p>is a 3.3 cumulative gpa with a large trend up too low to be a national merit finalist? i scored a 227, and have comparable sats, but i am worried that my gpa will automatically disqualify me. has anyone been in a situation like this?</p>

<p>My son's GC told us that he has only seen one kid turned down because of GPA. The kid had a 2.0 or something like that. No guarantees. Our S has a 3.4 weighted and we're not overly concerned. We're more concerned with his 2010 on the SAT to backup the 237 on the psat. He has only taken the SAT once so I'm sure it will come up with the Oct. test date.</p>

<p>I am in your situation. 3.45 UW GPA, 228 PSAT.</p>

<p>Me too. 3.5-ish UW, 220 PSAT.</p>

<p>We shall see...</p>

<p>Same boat as you all…
Any previous finalists out there who can help us?</p>

<p>i hate you people, im rank 1 outa 506 and i got a ****ty psat 192
and i have the best gpa in my school which is competitive</p>


<p>I am sure you’ll do well on the SAT. Just work on your weak points and there won’t be any surprises.</p>

<p>you can only hope. 3.3 isn’t terrible and schools are taking GPA into consideration less than they used to.</p>

<p>I got a 234 (in a ~220 or so state) but my GPA is about 3.5 (around top 20% in my class). The SAT should be fine but will the GPA keep me from being one of the 8,500 winners? I’m not so worried about the money but National Merit looks great on an application, right?</p>

<p>A 3.5 UW is nothing to be ashamed of, so relax.</p>

<p>Well I am in the same boat as all of you and just found out today I didn’t qualify for finalist. I don’t even remember what all was on the semifinalist form we had to fill out but if it helps I have a 3.4 UW GPA, 217 PSAT, 2100 SAT, 32 ACT, 5 APs, 2 years varsity soccer, part time job for a year and a half, etc. I was a little shocked, but not devastated or anything of the like. My essay was not my best work if that helps anyone. Not trying to scare anyone, actually more curious as to why I was rejected. The letter really only states how amazing the opportunity was for me to be a semifinalist but that my academic record was not strong enough. Eh…</p>

<p>Aw, that stinks zakface!</p>

<p>How did you find out you got rejected?</p>

<p>I’m a little worried because my stats are only slightly higher, 3.62 ugpa, with SAT 2150 and psat 224…</p>

<p>Man, I just want to know right now…</p>

<p>They sent me a letter in a standard white envelope. The organization of the letter kind of sucks. They don’t even mention that I was rejected until the bottom of the second paragraph, about half way down the page. Oh well.</p>

<p>Notification is not supposed to happen until February. Any idea why you got your letter so early? Anyone else heard yet?</p>

<p>My D just got her letter. 3.3 GPA, 2350 SAT, 12 APs, 4 College courses, varsity sports etc. But just got notified she did not make finalist.</p>

<p>She goes to an extremely difficult high school (ranked in Newsweek Top 19 public elite) so she still thought she would have a chance with low GPA. Guess that scholarship she wanted from Alabama won’t happen!!</p>

<p>It seems GPA is the biggest factor in determining finalists then. How else do you turn down someone with a 2350 SAT? That seems a little ridiculous. Maybe they have a 3.5 cutoff since neither of us got in?</p>

<p>My brother got turned down 5 years ago. He had a 1530/1600 on the SAT, but his GPA was only a little over 3.</p>

<p>I got a 240 on the PSAT, 2360 on the SAT. My UW GPA is 3.62 and I took 4 A.P.s before senior year. I just got my letter and I didn’t progress to finalist. I don’t know if it’s because my GPA is too low or because I got suspended in my sophomore year. I do think it’s somewhat bogus that I got a perfect score and didn’t become a finalist.</p>

<p>Maybe they are short on money this year? This seems ridiculous. That or they only accept 4.0’s. Or both.</p>

<p>I didn’t get finalist either. Guess this doesn’t bode well for my chance at admissions anywhere in the spring, considering that only about 1,000 of the 16,000 don’t advance. Whoops.</p>

<p>I had a 2200 (217 PSAT in New York), but my GPA is barely skimming top 10% and my application left much to be desired.</p>