<p>I took the PSAT in the fall of 2007. I got a 219, and qualified for becoming a semi-finalist (I live in TX). My GPA isn't stellar, but I think it's still pretty good. It's a 3.96 (weighted...out of the 5.0 scale and at a competitive high school). I turned in all my paperwork on time, and I have decent extracurriculars. I've volunteered at the hospital for 2 years, and I also have some awards in violin and piano. I haven't had any disciplinary problems at school either. </p>
<p>But today I recieved a letter from the National Merit people that said I've been withdrawn from the competition. Apparently my "academics throughout 9-12" aren't enough to keep in the competition. Is this normal?</p>
<p>I thought only about 1000 of the 16000 get rejected from becoming finalists. Why have I been withdrawn?</p>
<p>Check out the other thread on this board titled “national merit finalist with a low gpa.”</p>
<p>A lot of us are getting rejected with GPA’s similar to yours and high test scores and all that jazz. Seems like more people are being rejected than NMSC would have it appear.</p>
<p>Well my grades are mostly Bs. I have a couple of As and the occasional C, but I only ever have a C in an AP class. Most of my classes (5 of the 6 I’m taking right now) are AP classes. </p>
<p>I got a 2150 on the SAT, which was better than I did on the PSAT, and I turned in all the paperwork.</p>
<p>Guess I’ll talk to my counselor and contact them. </p>
<p>Does anyone know if in years past people with similar grades/extracurriculars as mine were also rejected?</p>
<p>Converted to a 4.0 scale, a 3.96/5.0 GPA is about 3.17 weighted… sounds like maybe you’re in the same position as the folks in the abovementioned thread. Bummer. As others have said, though, Semifinalist status is still a great door-opener. :)</p>
<p>I know of a case where a SF with a 2.9/4.0 was eliminated. I would have to admit it wouldn’t surprise me if they eliminated candidates with “mostly B’s”. You would do well to have your counselor check with the NMS folks.</p>
<p>Except that 15000/16000 make finalist and word was that you just needed to be 3.0 or above, match your PSAT score on the SAT, no discipline issues at school and turn your paperwork in on time. DD has 3.8 (one bad algebra grade in a very difficult honors class) at a very competitive school (14 NMSF in class of 195), 2100 on SAT, never been in trouble (well, there was the demerit she served for not wearing her name tag to school 3 times), writes well and all paperwork in on time. We know she and at least one other from her school not finalists, which doesn’t make sense in terms of the overall numbers. I’m wondering if anyone has contacted National Merit to see if they are no longer naming 15000 as finalists this year?</p>
<p>This year seems to be very different from the past years. The criteria used in the past might not hold true any more. That might also mean 15000/16000 is no longer true as well.</p>