Naval Academy Selection Process

<p>Question -</p>

<p>How does the selection process for the Naval Academy work if you have two or more students from the same high school applying to the Academy? </p>

<p>I have heard that they only select one student per high school - was I misinformed or is this true? Any information would be greatly appeciated! </p>

<p>Son just sent in application to NASS - It sounds like a wonderful experience.</p>

<p>My Midn has twins in his class, one is his roommate. …same family, same HS…</p>

<p>I do not believe that there are any such restrictions. We have several schools in our area that have multiple mids (and cadets) at the service academies. In one case in our town, we had 4 mids from the same local high school enter in the class of 2011. </p>

<p>This seems to follow strong Jr ROTC programs in high schools.</p>

<p>There is no limit of one per h.s. Almost every year one of my schools sends 2-4 students to USNA. </p>

<p>NASS is a great experience. However, please do not despair if your son is not accepted. The program is way oversubscribed. It is used as a recruiting tool – USNA is looking for students from schools and areas that historically have been underrepresented at USNA. Thus, many highly qualified candidates will not be accepted.</p>

<p>Not being accepted is NOT an indication that your record isn’t strong enough for an appointment. Likewise, being accepted does NOT guarantee you an appointment and does not significantly improve your chances of getting one.</p>

<p>Thanks so much for all of the info - This is the third oldest child out of seven to apply to college but the first child to be interested in the military experience so this is all very new to us. I’m glad to have this board as a research tool…! My son is also reading “The Naval Academy Candidate Book - How to Get In” book as was recommended by posters on this board.</p>