NC State vs Tulane vs Virginia Tech vs SMU vs Elon for Business

I was accepted to the business school for each college as a transfer student. I plan to study finance or business analytics. I received grants/scholarships from every school, which has made them similar in cost.

Can anyone give any feedback with the the following to help narrow down my decision:

  1. Which one has better internship opportunities?
  2. Which college has the best student like or has a good amount of transfers?
  3. Which location is the best(after college and things to do)?
  4. Which college(s) has the better business school?

Any comments or advice helps!

#1 - you should check the outcomes report for each school. If you hustle, you will find internships at each. Each will have a career services page.

#2 - student life will be different. Niche ranks them by the #s below

Student life Virginia Tech 17, SMU 44, Tulane 52, NC State is ranked 71st, , , Elon is 761…that said, I’ve never heard a bad word about Elon.

#2 - you can google each school + common data set and go to d2 to see how many transfers enrolled (not in business) - Elon for example was 71 last year - VA Tech 893 but they’re not the same size schools.

#3 - after college isn’t relevant as you won’t necessarily work there. Things to do - is up to you - what do you like - outdoors, Va Tech may be bets. NC State, SMU and Tulane are all near big cities…in the cities…but near the downtown areas…most would say New Olreans is best but maybe that’s not your scene.

#4 - depends on the major. They are all solid.

Have you been to them? These are different - what fits you - that’s most important.

You need to make the decision; not anonymous people on a website.

Do your homework - let’s go!!

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Tulane and SMU will likely give you the best opportunities and networks in that order. NCSU and VaTech are better known for their engineering programs. I would avoid Elon. Too small. You have far better options.

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Pointing out that Elon was the 35th best business school according to Poets and Quants, and scored far above that in employment outcomes-around 23,I believe. You would be surprised how many Elon kids are working on Wall St and at the finance depts of FAANG. I was.
Full disclosure-one of my kids graduated a few years ago and landed a top paying international finance job directly. Many of her friends did too. The school is remarkably oriented in career services


Elon definitely and surprisingly outpunts the coverage in a myriad of areas. And with a lot of rich families sending kids there from the NE, that’s lots of post grad connections - I’m sure it’s all related.


They spend a lot of time and effort polishing the kids in interviews, linked in, internships, resume sessions. It really pays off.


Thank you for the information, this really helps!

Do you think NCSU has a good business program?

Every school you listed will be fine for business. What facet of business are you studying?

I’m planning on business analytics/management information systems. I like a more technological side to business

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That is great to know. I work in the RTP area and we do not see that many Elon kids coming through our doors so this is very good information that will help OP @Logan0793 decide. Maybe you can weigh in on this but we looked into Elon for our DS23 but after working through NPC found them to be exceedingly tight with aid. So, they are probably selecting kids that can afford to pay that much, perhaps along the lines of what @tsbna44 stated. It is still cheap for kids coming from NE where the cost of college is far more. In any event, jobs are often a result of networking.
What I would do is see which companies recruit on campus for interns and analysts for each of the universities OP is interested in. Career Services should be forthcoming with this information. LinkedIn will be good too for some DD.
As for NC State, I personally think it is a good school but the business school is not held in the same esteem as Keenan Flagler (UNC), Fuquay (Duke) or even Wake Forest. There was a recent thread on Reddit where a soon to graduate NCSU student was ranting about the poor quality of the business/CS hybrid program. You may want to read through that.

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Elon posted a video on their Facebook Admissions page on Jan. 20, 2021 with a student and faculty member talking about their Business Analytics program. We met a number of the Business Fellows who are seniors in March and they had impressive jobs lined up with Big 4 accounting firms in NY and Wells Fargo in Charlotte. Elon definitely emphasizes internships as part of their experiential learning. The Fiske Guide gives Elon 5 stars for student quality of life so I wouldn’t worry too much about Niche.


Thank you, I definitely will read the thread on reddit.

Has anyone heard a lot about Tulane at all?

Yes. Tulane has a good program. Not elite, but very good. It has a great network and reputation, lots of on campus recruiting and you are guaranteed to have a fabulous time on campus. If cost was about the same, I would choose Tulane in a heartbeat.

Yeah i’ve heard great things. The tuition would be about $14,000 with all the grants and scholarships I was given. My parents just worry about the crime, cause they’ve heard that New Orleans can be dangerous?

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What just happened here?
One of the mods need to come and clean house @skieurope
Back to your question about crime @Logan0793, I would not worry about it too much. There are certain areas to avoid like all big cities.

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Some rude person came in and disrupted the chat lol.
Ok good, thank you, that helps.
I definitely like the prestige of Tulane and that I could double major in information systems and finance. On the other hand, NC State I like that it’s a big school and it’s in the research triangle, which could be beneficial for internships.

Come on down then! Downtown Raleigh is a ton of fun and the place is growing like crazy. Lots of jobs and internships.
You have some fantastic choices.

Yeah im leaning more towards NC state! My aunt is alumni and she said its amazing