<p>What are my chances at ND, JHU, Rice, UPenn, Villanova, and Vanderbilt</p>
<p>SAT: 1390/2150 (first time)
GPA: 97.44/100
SCHOOL: Small, Private
CLASS RANK: 1st (Projected, but only out of 45)</p>
<p>RACE: White
GENDER: Male</p>
<p>EC: SGA (Prez of class), editor of yearbook, NHS, 4-H, School's Charity Organization, Youth Ministry, Church Lectur, Socccer (captain), Lacrosse</p>
<p>HOOKS: JHU: Double Legacy
NOVA: Legacy</p>
<p>ND : Match
UPenn: Reach
JHU - Semi-Reach/Reach
Villanova - Match
Vanderbilt - Semi-Reach/Reach
Rice - Reach</p>
<p>It would help if we could see your course schedule, I think.</p>
<p>ND - slight Reach
JHU - Slight Reach
Rice - Slight Reach
UPenn - Semi Reach
Villanova - Match (Safety)
Vanderbilt - Match</p>
<p>You have a decent chance at all of these schools. Good luck!</p>
<p>COURSES: Spanish- (II, III, AP)
Latin- (I, II)
Math- (Geo, Algebra II, PreCalc)
Science (Bio, Chem, Physics)
History- (Ancient, Philosphy, AP US)</p>
<p>Sorry, forgot AP Government and English- (9th, 10th, 11th)</p>
<p>So far I have all A, and only 3 A-s in my semester grades</p>
<p>Will continue all subjects next year with 2-3 APs</p>
<p>Hm... interesting... your stats are similar to mine and to a friend of mine (out of the schools you have on your list, I applied to Penn and got rejected while my friend got accepted to Johns Hopkins ED). Chances are rated on a scale of: high reach, reach, semi-reach, good fit, likely, safety. </p>
<p>Notre Dame... GOOD FIT.
Johns Hopkins... SEMI-REACH.
Rice... REACH.
UPenn... REACH.
Villanova... LIKELY.
Vanderbilt... GOOD FIT.</p>
<p>ND: Good shot
Hopkins: Very slight reach
Rice: Slight reach
Penn: Reach
Villanova: Good shot
Vandy: Good shot</p>
<p>Thanks, that helps a lot.</p>