Nearing End of a dissapointing freshman year

So basically I’m a freshman in highschool and I’m really satisfied with my gpa. The school years ending and I’m most likely finishing with a 3.48 Un- weighted gpa. Here are my grades:

Physics Honors: A
English Honors: A-
History Honors: A-
Math Honors: B
Spanish Honors: B

So my question is will this poor, in my sense freshman year affect me a lot when applying to college lets say if I get a 3.8+ gpa the next 3 years. I am targeting schools such as Tufts, Ucla, Duke type schools. Will it be possible if I get a good sat and do extracirriculars (which ones do you reccomend) I also played football and btw I’m not a minority. Thanks.

Schools like to see an upward trajectory in grades throughout high school so having a weaker freshman year doesn’t limit you. Plus, its not like you totally blew the year. Work harder nest year. Math and language classes are the type where you need to keep up diligently on the day to day work to maximize your grades as the skills build on previous knowledge, so make sure you make an effort to do so next year. Good luck!