<p>Hey, application season is upon us and i have my share of places that i will be applying to. A little about me before i beg some of you to proofread/give input on my essays =). I am applying to colleges as a junior and I would definitely be considered a late bloomer. Throughout highschool i've always been super lazy, one of those guys that sits in the back of the class and sleeps, does homework or chats with other students. I didn't completely fail, but i didn't excel either; i was mediocre. I took some AP's and honors mostly because my parents made me and i did well on the tests but terribly in the classes because of my work ethics. However, i definitely have changed and i have a new outlook on life. This change is addressed in one of my essays. With my exterme laziness, it was not a shock to me that i did not make the college of my dreams. I now attend a school that i'm unhappy with mostly because of the academics and the opportunity available. Although socially it is fine, i feel that i will be restricted in terms of employment if i stay here another two years. I definitely want to succeed and i have the determination, too bad i just realized this right now! If i could redo highschool, i definitely would. Anyways, enough of my blathering! Could any of you kind parents help me on my essays? i want honest input and help on them; i definitely want to transfer. Thanks for your time.</p>
<p>You can PM me with your email address. I have been dealing with transfer essays quite a bit lately.</p>
<p>to the top</p>